•°¯'•• Chapter Twenty-Two ••'¯°•

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Do not proceed if you feel uncomfortable about sexual activities. MLM!

"Where am I going if my breakfast is right here?" You grab onto Shoto's arm, resulting in him falling into the bed with you. A mischievous grin was placed on your lips as your eyes lit up. Shoto quickly shakes his head. "No, Absolutely not." Shoto tries to shut it down before it even starts. 

Your hand travels under Shoto's shirt to run along his chest. "Come on, You know you want to." You purr into Shoto's ear, your voice deep and encouraging. Out of all the qualities you had Shoto believed your voice was the best. Besides your body of course. Shoto had to bite his lip to keep any noise from escaping. 

"We can't." He is quick to blurt out. Your lips move to his exposed neck. Shoto felt the grin on your lips on his neck. "Shoto." You call as you place a single kiss on his neck. "No. I have to- I can't." He struggles in your grasp. Your hand continues to caress his chest. "Shoto, you know you want to." 

Shoto squeezes his eyes tightly, a small moan escaped his lips once you began to slightly nimble on his shoulder. "Give in already. I know you want to run your hands all over me." You whisper into Shoto's ear. "You want me to be on top of you. You want all of me." 

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