༒•Chapter Eight•༒

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Third Person Point of View

Shoto had picked an American love movie called Heathers. When the movie was done, Shoto wasn't happy about the ending. He stormed out of the theatre, YN following close behind him with a box of popcorn. The popcorn that YN bought during the movie. He was munching the buttery popcorn as he watched Shoto puff his cheeks out in anger. "Why did J.D. do that? He completely sacrificed himself for his love! He can't do that! You would leave little Veronica on her own!" Shoto growls as the two left the theatres building. "Woah, Woah. Where are you going?" YN calls out to Shoto. Shoto tenses up and turns around to YN. "Ah, I forgot about you." He states. Those words took a big hit at YN's pride. How can HE be forgotten? And that quickly. Is he that forgettable? YN's lip curls up into a pout. "How can you forget me?" YN's eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "Since I'm not the one on your mind. I guess I can go back home." Shoto's eyes widened. He quickly wrapped his arms around YN's waist.

"Please don't go! I'm sorry!" Shoto whimpers into YN's chest. YN's heart clenched as he saw Shoto burying his face. YN bit his lip to contain his laughter. "Are you though? It seems like I'm the least of your worries." YN faked a sad voice. When Shoto moved his head to look up at YN, he moved his head to the side. Avoiding Shoto's gaze. "I-I'm sorry! I just couldn't believe what J.D. did! I'll stop talking about it right now! Please don't go!" Shoto states desperately, his grip on YN's waist tightening. He didn't mean to make YN sad. He was only shocked about the ending. Shoto's eyebrows furrowed in sadness. Now YN couldn't even look at him.

That's when YN burst into laughter. Shoto's eyes softened at the sight. YN had his eyes closed as he laughed. Shoto thought he saw flowers floating around YN's face. Shoto's heart was going Doki Doki, thumping wildly against his chest. He was released from the wonderful trance when YN placed his hands on Shoto's shoulders. "It's ok, I was just joking!" Shoto's mouth was wide open. "W-what, really? I-I couldn't tell!" Shoto's eyes traveled down to the floor. "I thought you were going to leave. I thought I ruined our chances." Shoto began to ramble. YN quickly shakes Shoto from his trance. "Your rambling is cute and all but I'm going to need you to chill out." YN states with a warm smile, making Shoto's heart rapidly pump in his chest. "A-Ah, Yeah." Shoto mumbles.

YN takes Shoto's wrist and drags him to sit down at a nearby bench. The two were swallowed in nervous silence at least that's what Shoto thought. YN was examining Shoto's face the whole time. Shoto felt the pressure of YN's gaze. Shoto built up the courage to face YN. "W-why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?" Shoto questions cautiously. YN's eyes scan Shoto's face once again. "Oh, It's nothing. Do you know how pretty you are?" The question surprised Shoto, he tensed up and he began to stutter. "I-I Um... I don't know what to say." Shoto mutters. YN chuckles at the duel haired boy's response. YN's finger went under Shoto's chin, moving it towards his face. "Then don't say anything." YN soft lips smashed against Shoto's lips. Shoto's eyes were wide at the surprise kiss attack. Shoto's eyes began to flutter slowly. He finally closed his eyes and fell into the kiss. Tilting his head to make the kiss deeper, which surprised YN but he continued the kiss.

When they finally let go of another, they stared into one another eyes. "You're so cute." He whispered in Shoto's ear, his voice was deep and sent shivers down Shoto's spine. YN kisses Shoto's cheek softly. Shoto's cheeks had a red hue. His left side began to heat up making YN chuckle. "Calm down babe." But that only made things worse. YN's eyes widened. "No, Seriously calm down!" Before the two knew Shoto was sprayed down with water. YN turns to the figure who did it and his eyes widened. "D-dabi?" He whisper-yells. Dabi winks and disappears into a portal. "What did you say?" Shoto questions YN. "Uh, Nothing to worry about. I assure you." YN gives Shoto a reassuring smile.

Short and Cute~ Hope you enjoyed. I'm getting lazy so the wait for future chapters might be longer than a week. I usually post twice or three times a week but my laziness is getting to me lol.

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