(¯'•._.• Chapter Seven •._.•'¯)

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Shoto Todoroki's Point of View

Where is he? I looked frantically for the familiar messy h/c head I grew to love. After a few minutes of looking around the movie theatre entrance, I saw a familiar face. Well, two familiar faces. "Hey, Todoroki-Kun!" Midoriya was waving at me as he made his way towards me. Uraraka was with him. "Midoriya? Uraraka? What are you two doing here?" I questioned the two. Midoriya smiles shyly. "I wanted to come to see a new all might based movie. And I didn't want to go alone so Uraraka came with me," Midoriya explains, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. "That's nice," I state, my eyes traveling away from them to continue my search for YN. "Why are you here, Todoroki?" Uraraka questions. I tense up at the sudden question. "Well, I'm here with a date," I explain, my eyes continuing my journey. I felt Midoriya's powerful gaze. "Is it by any chance, the guy." I could hear the smirk from just his voice.

A small sigh escaped my lips. "Yes, it's that guy." I respond, a small whoop came from Midoriya in response to my answer. "Uh, Who's this guy?" Uraraka questions. I turned to the two. "While Midoriya and I were having a small get together, we had a very handsome waiter and I got his number. We are going on a date right now, I'm just waiting for hi-" I was cut off by a familiar voice yelling out my name. I perk up in excitement. YN was making his way towards us, well me. I was finally able to see his whole body and damn did he look good. My eyes trailed down his body. YN wore a tight light blue shirt, dark blue jeans, and some black sneakers. The blue shirt shown his muscular upper body. Oh, the things he could do to me. Not only was the shirt blue, one of my favorite colors but they were short sleeves. Revealing his veiny arms, they were always there for show. I would let YN step on me and thank him for it. I'll even pay him to do it.

"Shoto, You alright?" I shook my head to realize that YN had his hands on my shoulders, shaking me gently. My heart warmed at the gesture. "I'm fine, Let's go see that movie." I was about to turn when Midoriya and Uraraka stopped us. "You're not going to introduce us?" Midoriya questions me, his hands on his hips. "How rude?" Uraraka made the same gesture. The two had cheeky smiles on their face. "Well, I'm YN LN. But just call me, YN." My eyes narrowed at YN while he winked at the two. "I-it's nice to meet you, YN. I'm Ochako Uraraka and this is Izuku Midoriya." I hear YN hum in thought.

"I remember little ol' you." There was a bright smile on YN's face as he mentioned it. Midoriya chuckles, a small blush on his cheeks. "How about we watch a movie together? I don't want Todoroki-Kun to be hurt by someone like you." Uraraka sadly suggests. I wanted to be alone with Shoto. "Oh, Don't worry. I can take care of Shoto all on my own. We can have a double date another time though. By then, Shoto and I will be comfortable with another. But thank you for the suggestion." YN grabbed my wrist, pushing me into his chest. He placed his head on top of my head. "And plus, I can get jealous sometimes. I need a lot of attention and I don't want to compete with anyone on our first date." I felt YN rub his chin into my hair. My heart was thumping loudly. I burried my head into YN's chest, trying to hide my face. Which I'm pretty sure is red.

Just marry me!

𝓑𝓪𝓬𝓴𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓫𝓫𝓮𝓻  ˢ. ᵀᵒᵈᵒʳᵒᵏⁱ (going through editing)Where stories live. Discover now