•••'º'•» Chapter Six «•'º'•••

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Third Person Point of View

YN was woken up to the sound of his phone ringing. 'Who the fuck is bothering me?' He thought aggressively. His face darkened but you could see one of his eyes glowing red.

YN picks up his phone and places it up to his ear

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YN picks up his phone and places it up to his ear. "What the fuck do you want?" He growls into the phone. "I- Did I wake you up?, I'm Sorry." The familiar soft voice ringed through YN's ears. "Shouto? That's you?" YN grumbles out. Shouto's breath hitches at the sound of YN's morning voice. Oh, what he would kill to be there with him listening to that morning voice. Shouto bit his bottom lip in excitement. "Y-Yeah, It's me." Shouto stutters into the phone. YN sighs. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. What did ya need, baby?" Shouto's sadden expression disappears as he beams. "I was hoping me and you could go out on a date today." Shouto asks. YN hums in thought making Shouto quiver in anticipation. "Alright, What time do you want to meet up and where?" YN questions. Shouto was silent for a moment. He wanted to make sure it was a time YN would be comfortable in and a place YN would like.

"How about two hours from now? And we can meet at the movie theatres near the cafe you work at. Is that ok?" Shouto questions YN. YN rubs his temples in annoyance. "Yeah, Sounds good. I'll see you then." YN grumbles through the phone. "Bye, See you then." The call then ends. YN rolls over in his bed. A loud groan escapes his lips. It's not that he doesn't want to hang out with Shouto, it was just...

"Too damn early to socialize." YN shouts into his pillow. His eyes land on the clock. It read 9:30 Am. YN sulks at the thought of having to get up. "It can't be helped." He grumbles. He rolls off the bed, hitting the floor. He slowly gets on his feet and trudges towards his bathroom. Turning the shower on.

Once he got out of the shower, his phone began to ring with facetime. He answers, placing the phone to only see his upper body. "YN here, Now speak," YN demands as he slips his boxers on. "That's not the way you speak to a fellow comrade." A deep chuckle was heard through the phone. YN's eye glances at the phone. His eyes land on a male with stitches. His black hair spiked on his head, some of it swaying above his electrifying blue eyes. "Oh, It's you. What was your name again, Stitches?" YN questions, turning to the phone so he could see him. The male's eyes land on YN's body. His lip lifting into a smirk the more he examined YN's body. "The name's Dabi," He answers as he watched YN move to grab his shirt. Which was right behind the phone that was laying on the stand below his tv. Dabi had a close up view of YN's neck and collarbone. YN leans back taking his dark grey turtle neck and pulling it over his head. "So, What do you want?" YN questions him, bending down to grab his dark blue jeans.

"Straight to the point, I see." Dabi chuckles. "I wonder where ya going, Dominique." Dabi questions, tilting his head mockingly. "Listen, Stitches, Dabi. Whatever your damn name is, You better get the point before I hang up." YN had his head up, glaring at the camera. Dabi's lip puckers out into a pout, his eyebrows knitted together. "Aw, Come on. Don't act like that. I just wanted to get to know you." YN rolls his eyes, a loud huff escaping his soft pink lips. "I know that's not the reason, Stitches." YN states, rolling his jeans up his legs, buttoning the jeans. Another chuckle escapes Dabi's lips. "I guess I can't hide anything from you. Well, we are having a meeting tomorrow. You have to be there at the bar around 7. We are going to discuss our future plans." Dabi explains. YN grunts in response. "Yeah, I'll be there." YN states, slipping his black shoes. "See you there, Cutie." Dabi purrs. Before YN could say anything Dabi hung up.

YN's nose scrunched up in disgust. "Who does he think he is? Man, Whatever. I got somewhere to be." YN takes 3 long strides to his mirror. Leaning in close to fix his hair, when he got the hairstyle he deemed was appropriate and sexy, he winks at himself. "Looking good, Sexy." He states before taking his wallet and keys. Making his way to the door with a small smirk on his lips.

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