Chapter 22: A Story Behind Those Eyes

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Hope you like your birthday present Zina =D


Chapter 22: A Story Behind Those Eyes

We were sitting in the café drinking coffee before class. It was near the end of our first year and just after the big fight and subsequent forehead kiss. I was resigned to keep a safe distance from Julien, but he was making it difficult by seeking me out to spend time with me, alone time. I wanted to push my confused and unwanted feelings for Julien aside but that was incredibly difficult when it felt like he was stalking me.

I don’t even know how we got on the topic, but we were talking about being unfaithful. How this subject came about, whether he had planned it or it was coincidental, was unknown to me. But I had no idea why he would have brought up such a taboo, and touchy theme. I was still pissed that he cheated on me, even if it was 15 years ago.

“So, have you ever cheated on Mark?” Julien asked as he stared at me intently. Why the hell would he ask me that? I wasn’t like him. I may have entertained thoughts about it periodically, but I never would have followed through on them. My family meant more to me than that. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat before I answered.

“No, I haven’t. I’m not a cheater.” I glared at him and my face turned red as I remembered Ryan, one of Mark’s friends that he used to work with.

“Really? Because it seems like there is a story behind those eyes of yours.” He responded and I couldn’t help but think of the one time I actually wanted to be unfaithful.

We had been married for 7 years and things weren’t going as well as I would have liked between Mark and myself. We had grown apart in our relationship and I was beginning to feel unwanted and unloved. Mark was always busy with work and I was busy with work and taking care of the kids.

We barely spoke to each other, other than the few words it took to ask how the kids were doing. We rarely had sex anymore and I was tired of the bitching and complaining that had started a few months earlier. It was like we were complete strangers living in the same house. I was a bit depressed, I mean what girl wouldn’t be when your husband didn’t want to touch you much and when he did, he practically pushed himself on you?

Mark was close to a new and very attractive, albeit 5 years younger, guy from work. He was new to the company and Mark had befriended him. Ryan came over to hang out a few times and we all planned to go to a company party together. Ryan didn’t have a date, so being the awesome friend that I was, I fixed him up with Shelly, as she was single at the time.

We had an awesome time at the party. Well, Ryan and I did anyway. We sat next to each other and got completely trashed, making a drinking game out of everything. We were so drunk that we were flirting and dancing together, which didn’t bother Shelly, as she wasn’t interested in Ryan because he wasn’t the perfect picture of Mr. Right. Mark on the other hand was annoyed that I was basically throwing myself at his friend, but it was harmless.

Or so I thought, until one day when Ryan was over and Mark had to run to the store to get some beer. He left Ryan and myself at home with the kids. Ryan smoked too, so after putting the boys in front of a movie, we went outside for a cigarette. It was fall and the wind was cool on my bare arms. I shivered a little and regretted the fact that I hadn’t put a jacket on before I came outside in the evening.

“You cold?” Ryan asked and looked down at me as was customary for just about everyone I knew, except for children and midgets. Not that I knew any midgets, or I guess little people is the correct term, so no offense. But being short definitely had its disadvantages.

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