Chapter 9: A Really Really Bad Idea

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This is just another random chapter that depicts an event that shaped Lynn's life...

Hope uyou anjoy :)

At the end you will get a hint as to He rbig secret!

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Chapter 9: A Really Really Bad Idea

“Here, it’s rum and diet coke. If I remember correctly, it’s your favorite.” Julien said with a smile while placing the glass before me. He sat himself beside me, a little closer than I expected him to be in public. After all, he was married and if anyone saw us, it may look bad for him. I may have wanted him, but he did have a wife at home.

“So, what brings you here tonight Julien?” Shelly questioned with skeptical eyes. Of course, it was all my doing, not his. She had no idea that I had set this whole thing up. I looked at her sad eyes and sighed. I need to tell him, but how could I?

As I stared at her, I was reminded that I need to be strong and find perseverance. I was also reminded of Ann, one of the strongest people I had ever known in my life. She was someone who had affected me deeply and changed me in a way.

I was just a teenager, 18 to be exact, when I met her. After I left the grocery store, I worked at a clothing store in the mall. That was where we met. She was around 50 years old and worked in the shoe department of the store. I always looked up to her and we became swift friends.

Most of my friends were older, for some reason I just got along with them better than people my own age. Crazy right? But that is just how it was. Her daughter Charon worked with me too. They had a hard life.

A few years back, Ann’s husband had committed suicide, jumped over Niagara Falls, which was so sad. I felt for them, all their pain. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like to lose a husband or father in that way.

Anyway, Ann was like a second mother to me. We went to the movies together and I would go to their house on the weekends to hang out. She was the best and had been through so much.

I was saddened and floored when she told me she had cancer. I should have guessed by the wigs she wore, but it just didn’t click with me. She had battled for quite a few years and was now in remission after her last round of chemo.

I told her all about my problems, mainly the ones with just Julien. We were dating at the time and I was upset by him. How could I not be when he acted like a cocky jerk most of the time? Why did I love him again?

Oh yeah, the heart wants what it wants, or so she always told me. Not really a good enough excuse if you ask me. So when I went to work one day, I expected to see her. Everyone there knew how close we had gotten. It was strange that she wasn’t there.

It was a Monday and she was scheduled to work. I went around asking for her, but no one would tell me anything, so I went on about my business of folding clothes and straighten up the place. I noticed that Charon was not there either, which was odd as well.

That was when my assistant manager Janet came up to me and pulled me aside. She had a very sad look on her face and for some reason, my heart clenched as I looked at her.

“I hear you were asking about Ann.” She said with a pained look in her eyes.

“Yeah, we had plans this weekend but I couldn’t get a hold of her.” I responded, feeling a very bad sense coming over me.

“Look Lynn, I’m really sorry to have to tell you this, I thought you would have heard already. Ann, she passed away on Saturday.” Janet stated in a forlorned tone. I felt like I was hit by a ton of bricks. How could she be dead? It’s not true, it’s just not true. She was so strong, she was a fighter! She had been through so much.

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