Chapter 24: Circumstances and Choices

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this has not been edited since I just finished it... but comment & let me know if there are mistakes.


Recap chap 23:

“Lynny, I want to be with you. I’ve spent too many years being away from the only woman I truly loved, to want to waste anymore of them without you.” Julien’s voice was soft and genuine. I gasped, nearly jumping out of his arms.

He wanted to be with me? How the hell could that work when we are both married? What am I going to do? This is un-fucking-believable!


Chapter 24: Circumstances and Choices

I was just about to question Julien about his previous statement. Did he really love me more than he loved his wife? Was he ready to give up his family for me? More than that, was I ready to give up the family I had struggled so hard to keep together? I wasn’t sure if I could do that. Sure, I wasn’t happy with Mark and hadn’t been in a long time, but what would it do to my children, especially Greg?

Just then, my phone vibrated furiously in my pocket and I reached for it almost automatically. It could have been the school calling about one of the kids, or worse than that, Mark checking up on me. I scampered off of Julien’s lap and settled myself nervously on the picnic blanket, putting some much needed space between us.

“Hello?” I answered casually after checking the caller ID to see that it was Pierce calling.  Jules gave me a curious look while listening intently to the start of my conversation.

“Hey wifey, what’s up?” Pierce asked casually, not having any clue as to the precarious position I was in just a few moments before.

I furrowed my brow, trying to think of anything I could say that would keep Julien’s name out of this. I knew that Pierce didn’t like me spending alone time with Jules, not that he was wrong in his reasoning, it just bothered me that he didn’t have that much faith in me. But who was I kidding, I didn’t have that much faith in myself, since I was considering leaving my family for a man who had a long history of leaving me and breaking my heart.

“Nothing, just hanging out, you know. You?” I commented just as casually as I could muster, seeing as Julien was only a foot away from me, still eyeing my questioningly.

“Same here, nothing. So, you want to get some coffee or something before the kids get out of school?” Pierce asked almost excitedly, with genuine happiness in his tone.

It had been a few weeks since I had seen him face to face and in truth, I missed him. He always gave good and honest advice and right now, my head was spinning with unimaginable possibilities all revolving around just Julien. Maybe a dose of hard hitting reality was just what I needed. But on second thought, the look in Julien’s eye told me that we weren’t finished with this discussion, so I respectfully declined.

“I’d love to but I’m kind of busy right now. Rain check?” I inquired hopefully, although my tone sounded a bit defeated.

“Okay, what is so important that you can’t see your other husband?” Pierce commented amusingly.  I had to laugh at that, but was pulled back to reality when I spied the questioning look on Julien’s face.

“Oh, I … um… I’m just out with a friend.” I responded hesitantly, stupidly stumbling over my words. Way to throw him off Lynn! You’re just as good with words as Forrest Gump is with walking on his braces.

“Is Julien said friend?" Pierce countered wryly. Damn him for knowing me so well.

I chuckled nervously, throwing a glance at Jules, who lay on the blanket, propping himself up with one elbow and resting his head in his hand. The sun glittered across his handsome face and I found myself at a loss for words. I really did love Julien, I always had. I smiled sweetly at him, just taking in his beauty. He smiled in return and I couldn't keep my heart from beating faster. How had I denied it for so long? Why had I let a few mistakes change the circumstances of our lives?

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