Chapter 10: It's Not You It's Me

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This chapter contains more Lynn & Julien with a sweet little interaction between her & Parker :)

Hope you enjoy! All stories will be posted today so make sure to check them all out!!

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Chapter 10: It's Not You It's Me

I stood outside of the Physics room waiting for class. It had been about 3 months since college had started and the relentless smartass stylings of just Julien were making me crazy. I wanted to rip his head off most of the time. I hated him so much, but at the same time, I couldn’t bring myself to stay away from him.

I let him get to me, let him effect me, but had decided a few months ago, that I would treat him no differently than any other guy friend I had. We weren’t exactly friends, but we weren’t exactly not. I don’t know what the hell we are to be honest.

He flirted relentlessly with everything with boobs, so I did the same. Ok, not with the boobs though, I flirted with everything with a penis. It was like we tried to one up each other. He still flirted with me the most and just to spite him, I gave it right back. Take that asshole!

Only, I got the feeling that his flirting with me was more serious and it made me very nervous. I didn’t want to get drawn in again, but I could see that it was starting to happen. When we were alone, which was almost on a daily basis, he was different. He was kind and sweet, the way he sometimes was when we dated. I tried so hard to stay away from him but it was nearly impossible. It was like he sought me out on purpose. What was he doing to me?

All I wanted to do was hate him and forget I had ever met him. But his arrogant, overbearing personality made that impossible. I wanted to forget all of the things that transpired between us, like he obviously had, but there was a piece of me that knew that would never happen. I hated him for it, but I hated myself more. Because as much as the past was his fault, it was more mine.

That was a fact I had come to realize a long time ago. A fact I could not have denied, no matter how much I tried. It was all my fault, everything was all my fault. Seeing him every day, didn’t make it any easier to accept.

He had gotten my cell number from Jay, which I could have killed him for, and sent me random texts during the day and on the weekend. He was making me feel things that I had no desire to feel. It was so fucked up and I didn’t know what to do. Who could I have talked to about this? I needed a neutral party, so I decided on Parker.

We had taken to studying on our own in the library before a physics test. He said I was a genius, which was so not true, although I got a 95 or higher on every test, not to brag or anything. So, there we sat and I finally got the nerve to say something.

“Parky, can I tell you something?” I asked in a very nervous way which was just not at all like me.

“Sure Lynn, what’s up?” He replied with a soft look. I can do this, I can do this.

“Promise you won’t say anything okay? It’s really important.” I laid out my demands. If he wanted to know, he needed to agree.

“Fine, I promise. Now what is it? You’ve been acting weird lately.” Parker stated. Was it that obvious that something was wrong? Maybe it could have been my home life. That wasn’t so stellar at the moment. Living with a resentful and unsupportive dickhead for 15 years was getting old. But I had a feeling he knew exactly what I was talking about.

“Well, I think I have feelings for someone… in the program.” I admitted and averted my eyes, a little ashamed.

“It’s not me is it?” He responded with a chuckle.

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