Chapter 30: Date Night Part 2

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this is by farone of the naughtiest, most pervy things I've ever written so... yeah, enjoy! in case you didn’t know, it’s a cleaner version of the sex scene between Jules and Lynn


Recap chap 29:

“Show me your bedroom Jules… now.” I demanded seductively. If he protested, I was willing to rape him on the spot, in front of the nautically dressed staff and all.

To my surprise and utter delight, he did not hesitate. He held a lustful gleam in his eyes, but it was not the only emotion that lived there. Deep in his eyes, I saw love and everlasting devotion. It was the kind of look that made me feel whole, complete. Like he was meant for me and I was meant for him, like finally, after all of these years and all of this heartbreak, we could both freely express the love we had for one another that was locked deeply inside.

In that moment, I knew there was never another choice than Julien. He was everything to me, and he always had been.


Chapter 30: Date Night Part 2

Julien immediately walked past me and into the control room. He was only absent for a minute or two, but it was enough time to incite a flurry of activity. I watched in confusion as four or five nautically dressed people dashed up and down the stairs, clearing away our dinner plates and cleaning up the mess we had made.  Unexpectedly, I heard a loud splash at the back the boat. Curious as to what made the noise, I raised my eyebrows at Julien giving him a silent ‘what the fuck was that’ look. Fearing the ship was capsizing and about to go down like the Titanic, I wrung my hands nervously and stared doubtfully at Jules.

“Relax Lynn, the crew dropped anchor and are leaving until morning.” He replied soothingly, only I didn’t understand his words, nor was I comforted by this knowledge. What were they going to do, swim for land? They could drown or get eaten by sharks or something. I mean, I realize that this is a fresh water lake, but my irrational fear of sharks, also called selachophobia, yes it is a real phobia, takes precedence over reality. I felt the panic rising in me as disturbing scenes from Jaws flashed before my eyes.

“They’re taking the small motor boat we use as a life boat. Don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe.” Julien appeased my unspoken concerns with his answer, but I wondered how he knew what I was thinking.

“You said it out loud.” He responded with a chuckle and then grabbed my hand leading me down the stairs and onto the first deck level.

My mind wandered to some very naughty places in anticipation of my alone time with just Julien. I was barely aware of the meandering passages we traveled. Feeling utterly lost and completely in awe of my surroundings, I didn’t realize Jules had led me to the master bedroom until we stopped moving and he turned me to meet an incredible sight. There was a king sized bed that was sleek and futuristic in its design placed in the center of the room. There wasn’t much else that occupied the space apart from a built in dresser and wardrobe and a small sofa.

But what caught my eye most was the beautiful view through the wall of glass across from the bed. It was nearly dark now and the view of the twinkling city lights was astounding. I held my breath for a moment, just taking in the beauty.  The wall had a glass door that opened up to another deck that housed a few lounge chairs, a bar and a hot tub.

“This is freaking amazing Jules! They have hot tubs on boats? I didn’t know that was possible.” I asked in utter surprise, my eyes bulging out of their sockets with this new unbelievable reality. Was this the life he was accustomed to now, because I sure as hell was not?

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