Chapter 35: Nothing Left to Say

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Recap chap 34:

“You’re pregnant. It’s my baby isn’t it?” Jules asked quietly and I didn’t answer because for one, I couldn’t find my voice and two, I knew he was aware of the answer and didn’t need me to verbalize it. 

“It’s going to be okay. We’ll figure this out. It’s going to be okay baby.” Jules assured me while tightening his grip on me, and I wanted to believe the conviction in his voice, but something in the pit of my stomach wouldn’t let me accept that it was true.

Nothing was ever okay and I doubted that it ever would be.


Chapter 35: Nothing Left to Say

After that day he came to my house, Julien and I had devised a plan, one that we hoped would work out for everyone. We continued to talk and see each other secretly, while I took the girls and Bradley to covert play dates at Julien's house, so they could all get accustomed to being around him and his girls. I also talked to Greg, quite a few times, letting him know that I wasn’t happy and that there may come a time when his dad and I could no longer be together.

Everyone seemed to be taking things well, and the day for me to leave Mark was swiftly approaching. It was our plan that after a few months, things would die down and the kids would be ready for me to finally leave Mark. They would be used to Julien and his girls, and would take the change better that way. They would see that I was happy and that Jules was a good guy, so they would be more accepting.

We had found a house not far from the school with a finished basement for the kids to use as a play area and enough rooms for everyone have their own bedroom, even his girls. It was a large home, bordering on mansion but Jules had the money and didn’t mind spending his inheritance on us. Jules bought the house last week and we planned for the breakup and move to be in a month’s time. We didn't want to rush the kids, but sneaking around and keeping them from innocently saying the wrong thing was growing more difficult by the day.

I was four months along in the pregnancy and really beginning to show. It wasn't so obvious to someone who didn't know, but I could see that Mark was getting suspicious. He was always asking about my period and commenting on how I was so moody and tired. I knew I had to leave soon before he found out and beat the shit out of Jules. I just couldn't take that chance but I needed everyone to be safe before I made a move.

As for that problem, the house just Julien bought had great security and a guarded fence at the perimeter. He had never said exactly where he worked, so there was no chance of Mark finding out that information and he had also gotten a new place for Vanessa and the girls to stay in that wasn't far from our new home.

He kept all of this information private and even had a lawyer draw up some papers for a restraining order in the event that Mark got physical. It seemed that he had thought of everything and was taking as many precautions as possible. The only place that wasn't secret or unguarded would be the kids' school.

I thought that he was going a bit overboard, considering that he didn't know what Mark had done to me that night after Julien & my date almost four months ago. I was pretty certain that if he had, he would have pulled me out of their immediately but I needed more time, we needed time to make preparations. So with everything set and all plans falling into place, the last thing to be done was to pack and move while Mark was away at a business meeting near the end of the month.

I smiled happily at the girls and Bradley as they played with Kara and Celeste. They got along so well, it was as if they were already best friends. Mariah played the little mother of course, looking after the younger girls, while Bradley oversaw the playtime and made sure everyone shared and all were included. He really was a great son and awesome big brother.

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