Chapter 14: The Get-Together

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Happy New Year!! ENJOY :)


Chapter 14: The Get-Together

It was the last day of finals in our first year and I was so ready to get my drink on! Jay had orchestrated a get-together at a bar and grill down the street from the college. We were all heading over right after the last final, which was supposed to end around 11:30 am. Of course, we all stayed after the final to find out our grades so we would know whether to celebrate, or wallow.

I parked out front, feeling rather superior because of my awesome grade, which I planned to keep to myself since everyone gave me shit for being too smart. I walked inside and found Angie and Parker sitting in a booth near the bar.

“Hey guys, started drinking without me? That’s kind of shitty of you.” I questioned with a happy grin. There was nothing that could bring me down today.

“We waited but you were too busy being detained by Julien.” Parker commented with a bit of a frown. It wasn’t that he didn’t like just Julien, because as I have said before, they were good friends. He just didn’t like the prospect of me and Julien in the same sentence, or the same anything else for that matter.

“Oh come on! We were talking. Actually, he was doing a fine job of pissing me off. I wanted to open up a can of whoop ass on him. He can be so insensitive and I don’t even think he knows it.” I responded, remembering the exchange we had just a half an hour earlier.

“So Lynn, what did you get a 100?” Julien mused, but in a slightly bitter tone.

“No Julien, I didn’t.” I replied and started to walk away from him. I really wasn’t feeling his games today. I was in a happy mood and I wanted it to stay that way.

“What, did you get a 98 or something, because that is so beneath you.” He teased me yet again. Grades were important to me and I worked hard for them. I can’t help it if I’m smart and I sure as hell can’t help it if Julien is jealous of my intellect.

“You’re such an asshole Julien.” I commented when I stopped to glare at him.

“So I’ve been told, and mostly by you.” He smirked as if it was his life’s goal to irritate me.

“Whatever, I’m going to meet Angie and Parker at the bar. Are you coming?” I questioned mostly out of politeness, but also out of curiosity. I wanted to be around him, only I wasn’t supposed to and it wasn’t the smartest plan.

“Yeah, I’ll be there in a bit. I wanted to talk to Annie for a few minutes. She looks so fucking hot today. Did you see what she was wearing?” He asked with awe in his eyes. What a fucking dickhead! She was what, 20, maybe 21. That was a bit too young. Can you say slime ball cradle robber?

“You’re a pig Julien. Did it ever occur to you that she is a little young for you? Oh and you’re married.” I announced as though it was the most obvious thing in the world, which of course it should have been.

“I’m just looking Lynn, there’s no crime in that. I can’t help but try to spend time with a beautiful lady. She is the best looking girl in the program.” He replied as casually as if he were saying ‘hello’. What a douche!

Does he not realize that I am a girl? He certainly should since we slept together when we were younger. Does he also not realize that he is insulting me by saying she is prettier than me? I so can’t stand him sometimes!

“Do you not realize that you are being a chauvinist? Do you also not realize that I am a girl and you are insulting me?” I questioned with an exasperated sigh. He really knew how to piss me off.

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