Chapter 29: Date Night Part 1

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Chapter 29: Date Night Part 1

“Are you even going to see Shelly, or is this some grand cover-up so you can fuck some other guy? Because you certainly haven’t been fucking me lately.” Mark sneered and this was exactly what I had feared. He was suspicious. I was dressed normally, not in my sexy dress that Shelly and I had bought when we went shopping the other day, so how is it that he automatically assumed that? Oh right, because Mark is the biggest asshole on the planet.

“Really Mark? You’re going to fucking question me? I’ve never done anything to deserve your distrust and you know it.” I spat back at him. He was being a jealous ass for no reason. Okay, so he actually had a reason this time, he just didn’t know it yet.

“You’re a fucking whore Lynn. You tried to sleep with my friend. There’s no telling how many others there have been over the years.” He nearly screamed in my face. I was so pissed. How dare he accuse me? I had my hand on my bedroom doorknob, but hesitated to leave when I heard his angry, spiteful words. Before I knew what was happening, I slapped him hard across the face. His jaw tightened and he grabbed my wrist forcefully.

“How dare you! I’ve haven’t fucked anybody.” I yelled and I didn’t try to hide my distain for him. I should have kept my voice down, I knew my kids were home, but I couldn’t help the rage that boiled inside of me.

“Obviously I fall into that category as well. It’s been months since you let me touch you. If you’re not fucking me, you’re fucking someone else. Just know that if it’s true, we’re done.” Mark stated with eerie calm.

His eyes held an intensity that I had never seen before, and it wasn’t until I felt the searing pain in my wrist that I understood what it was. He was hurting me, really hurting me and he must have been fighting so hard to hold back. I hated him. He was the biggest prick I had ever met. I struggled to loosen his grip and after a few moments was successful. I pulled my wrist from his grasp, cradling it in my hand. That was definitely going to leave a bruise.

 “You asshole! I fucking hate you. We are done.” I replied venomously and grabbed my overnight bag heading for the door.

I stopped to kiss my children goodbye and left Shelly’s number for Greg, in case Mark decided to go crazy while I was gone. I assured them that I would be back on Sunday and they could also call my cell if they needed me. I was worried that Mark may be so angry that he would lose it and hurt someone, but I was selfish and needed to get out of there. I showed up at Shelly’s house in tears less than 20 minutes later. She seemed to understand what had happened immediately when she saw the bruise and the way I favored my left arm.

“Babe, you two had another fight. Did he do this to you?” She asked sympathetically. I smiled sadly at her and burst into another round of tears. She didn’t have to say anything else, I knew she would comfort and support whatever decision I made, no matter what. She was my best friend since I was 8 years old. I loved her like a sister, perhaps even more than that and she always understood me and helped me see reason. You just can’t get a better friend than that.

“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think you made the right choice Lynn. You have to leave him before he really hurts you or the kids.” She didn’t say anything more on the subject and promptly led me to her room where she helped me get into my dress and fix my hair and makeup for my date with just Julien, while I took some Tylenol for the throbbing and held an ice pack to my wrist.

“If he sees this, he’s going to freak out and beat the shit out of Mark, or get himself sent to the hospital.” I stated while waving the now purplish evidence in front of Shelly’s face. She sighed, deep in thought for a few seconds before a light bulb went off in her head. She dug through her jewelry box and returned with a wide silver bracelet. She affixed it to my wrist and it covered the bruise almost completely.

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