Chapter 3: Sisters

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In this chap you will find out a little more about some of the things that shaped Lynn's life.

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Chapter 3: My Sisters

"You aren't sleeping with him are you?" Shelly asked in wide eyed anticipation.

"Of course not Shelly. Well, not yet anyway." I replied slyly.

Let's clear up all of this double Julien mess. For all intents and purpose, Julien, Julien is 'just' Julien or Julien and Hanna's Julien is the 'other Julien'.

Did I want to sleep with just Julien? I wasn't exactly sure. Was I going to sleep with Julien? Yet again, same answer, not sure. All of this Julien business was very confusing.

I felt like I didn't even know who I was anymore or how I ended up in this position. I'm sure if I thought about it, I could remember where I had come from and who I used to be, or at least who I thought I used to be.

Everything that happened in my past, shaped me into who I am today, starting with when I was much younger. When I was eight or nine years old, my two older sisters were kidnapped. Well, not exactly kidnapped, but rather, forced to stay in another state against their will by some crazed family members.

I have three sisters. Actually, I have five but that is another story. I have two older sisters and a younger one. The oldest is Lilly. She's eight years older than me. She is kind of crazy, like 'been in the nut house' crazy.

She was there for a year or two, I can't really remember, it was when I was an early teen. That was twenty something years ago. I don't have specifics, just guestamites. I can't even remember what I ate for breakfast this morning, or if I even remembered to eat today. Yeah, that's how crazy distracted I am all of the time.

Any who, I refer to Lilly as the 'crazy' one. Yeah, I give my family disparaging nick-names. I never say it to their faces, and I don't think they are aware of it, but everyone else is and it is freaking hilarious. It's never more fun than to have secret name for someone.

Anyway, she has some personality disorder or something like that. But she was always fun to hang around. We did all kinds of fucked up stuff when she got out of the crazy joint. She was twenty or something at the time. She had her own place and my younger sister Mary and I spent tons of time there. We would get into a lot of trouble which she actually encouraged. Nuts right? Well that was Lilly.

She lived in this high-rise apartment complex that was semi upscale, with locked entrances and a doorman, that kind of thing. We often snuck down to the locked outdoor pool and went skinny dipping way after dark and after hours of operation. Let me just say that it is no fun to get busted skinny dipping by some totally fat old dude when you're like thirteen. It was embarrassing and that dude was creepy as hell. He kind of reminded me of a pedo.

Most often, we loved to ride the elevators and get off on random floors. One of us would stay in the elevator and hold the door, while the others ran down the hall and played ding-dong-ditch on random apartment doors. It was loads of fun and totally awesome.

Just in case you're wondering, ding-dong-ditch is when you ring the bell or knock really loudly so someone answers the door, and then you run like hell and hide before they open it. What a riot. You should try it if you've never done it.

She had this annoying neighbor who listened to opera all of the damn time. He must have thought he was Pavarotti or something because he constantly sang 'Don Giovanni' until my ears bled. Not literally, but you get the gist right? He was our favorite target, so we 'ditched' him all the time. That was until complaints came in and Lily almost got thrown out. There ended the fun.

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