Chapter 8: You're More Like Satan's Gift

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Without further ado... here is the next chap :)

It contains Just Julien who personally, I just love to hate & hate to love!!



Chapter 8: You’re More Like Satan’s Gift

“Did you have to fucking shout it Angie! He just walked by here.” I glared at her. Here comes that fight Parker dreaded so much.

“Sorry, I was just surprised. That makes this whole thing pretty awkward.” She laughed. Laughed? She was psycho, but I loved her just the same.

“Ya think?” I muttered, hanging my head in my hands.

“Now he knows you know and trust me, I know him, he won’t shut up about it. He won’t let his go. He is just going to embarrass me every day… until the end of time.” I amended my previous statement. This was one of the worst days I’ve had in a long time.

“It’s okay Lynn. Don’t go crazy over it. Just stay away from him.” Pierce offered. There was no way that would work. He would never let that happen, not in a million years would he give up a chance like this.

“Whatever you guys, I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Can we change the subject?” I begged.

“Well, it is a pretty interesting turn of events. How long did you think you could keep it a secret?” Parker asked with a half chuckle. Did he honestly think this was funny too? What the hell was wrong with my so-called friends? Fuck their insensitivity.

“I’m going for a smoke.” I sneered, grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. After making it out of the library I headed out the door toward the parking lot. As I rounded the corner of the brick building, a hand shot out and grabbed me.

“What the fuck?” I questioned, whipping around and attempting to yank my arm from the hand that held me in place. My eyes fell upon a familiar sight. Julien.

“What do you want? I’m really not in the mood to deal with you right now Julien.” I sighed and lowered my head. There was no need to look him in the face, that would make me want to punch him and violence was not tolerated on college property.

“Look Lynn, maybe things didn’t start out the way they should have earlier.” He offered what I only assumed was a feeble attempt at an apology. No way would I accept that crap. Nothing less than a real apology will do.

“Yeah well, you shouldn’t have said anything to Jay then Julien. He’s my friend. You embarrassed me and now everyone knows about us. How do you think that makes me look?” I was angry and hurt. My words mirrored that fact .But I wasn’t finished with him yet, not by a long shot.

“People will treat me differently now because of you! They think I’m some sort of whore, even my friends thought that at first. So thanks a lot Julien. First you break my heart, then you break it again and now you embarrass me in front of my classmates. You’re a real asshole.” I said that last part with all the emphasis I had in me.

I ripped my arm from his grasp and took off to the parking lot. I hoped he wouldn’t follow me. I mean, why would he? Clearly he isn’t sorry and he obviously doesn’t care that he hurt me, yet again.

Why do I give him this power over me? I’m such a screwed up loser. I leaned against Pearl, my car, with my head rested against the passenger door. A hand rested on my shoulder in a soft, tender way and I prayed with all I had that it wasn’t Julien.

“Hey sexy, what’s wrong?” Jay asked. Thank heavens it wasn’t Julien. I turned to face him and abruptly grabbed him into a hug. It didn’t mean anything, but it was comforting. And comfort was just what I needed at that moment. I was still mad at Jay for opening his big mouth, but he didn’t know any better. I doubt Julien was actually truthful about the situation, well what he knew of it anyway.

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