Chapter 6: Angela, NG

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as promised, this one is for you Angela:)

have fun reading chap 6 :) You will meet the infamous Angie.

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Chapter 6: Angela, NG

Ugh! Angela. There was no one in this world that I was scared of more, except my mom when she was REALLY pissed, than Angela Green. She was my best friend from college. She was wild and crazy like me. She was also a bit of a bitch, but most of my girlfriends were, that was the only way I could have gotten along with them. ‘NG’, as I used to call her, like initials, was a nick-name for An-gie, but with only letters, yeah, I know, my names are crazy and tiresome. Anyway, NG had very strong opinions about things from which she would not be dissuaded. Unlike Shelly, who would be supportive with whatever I decided, Angie would kick my ass, literally.

Angela had long dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was taller than me, like 5’6” or 5’7”. I wasn’t really sure ‘cause anyone and everyone is taller than me. At barely 5’2”, everyone looks like a giant. I’m a fucking midget!  Sorry for the incessant cursing, I swear like a trucker. Well, come to think about it, my dad Hanley used to be a trucker, perhaps that’s where I got it from. Not that he used to swear. He would freak out if we used the words ‘slut’ or ‘freaking’. He was like ‘you’re grounded; you know I don’t like those words’. And we were like ‘whatever, we know we are not really grounded. Scoff, sigh’. Yeah random, I know, so sorry.

Moving on, she was pretty, and had a decent figure, way better than mine! Angela came across as a strong, bad-ass woman who didn’t take peoples’ shit. We were sort of alike in that way. I guess she would have to be that way after what she went through. She was a single mom of two kids, living on her own and raising them the best she could. She struggled through college as an adult, just like me. Yeah, super idea; wait till your 30 to decide to go back to college. Score! It was hard for her and her exes were assholes. They were always taking her to court and trying to get custody and starting fights with her. Just a bunch of petty shit, you know.

But Angela was also kind and generous on the inside, and tough as nails on the outside. She reminded me of a bad-ass biker chick, but pretty, not slutty. She really would do anything for the people she cared about, no lie. I felt bad for her in a way. She had lost her sister in a car accident, over 10 years ago and was now an only child. Her mom had cancer and was going through chemo, yet through it all, she held her head high.

I hadn’t realized, when we first met, that we had sort of known each other from many, many years ago. See, she lived next door to a high school friend of mine and Shelly’s and Angie’s sister was our friend Sara’s best friend. We hadn’t hung out together, but I knew of her from many years ago. She had stood in for her dearly departed sister as maid of honor at Sara’s wedding, which I couldn’t make it to by the way. I was kind of pissed about that. Damn Mark!

She went by her married name, not her maiden name. Plus she was like, 6 years older than me which also added to the confusion. It was like a few months before we even realized that we sort of were already acquaintances and that we had a great friend in common, Sara. We were in the same degree program and sat next to each other in all of our classes. We had almost the same schedule for 2 years. It was awesome. There are two things everyone should know about Angie. One, if she doesn’t like you, you know it. And two, you should be scared of that fact.

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