Chapter 36: Downward Spiral

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Recap chap 35:

"Everything will be perfect once I get my girl and her kids safely into our new home." Jules explained and a soundless 'aww' escaped my lips. He truly was amazing and everything I had always hoped and dreamed he would be.

After so many troublesome years and such tireless effort, we could finally be together. There was nothing that could stand between us and our happiness now.


Chapter 36: Downward Spiral

It had been a solid month since Julien brought me home from the hospital and moved our belongings into the new house. We let the kids pick their rooms so everyone was satisfied. They seemed to be adjusting well and settling into a routine.

Some days, his girls were here, others with Nessa, but most often she came around for dinner and stayed until it was their bedtime and sometimes stayed overnight in the guest room. It was an unconventional situation but all of the kids adored her and mine called her aunt Nessy. She was at home here and we loved having her, as well as an extra pair of hands around, now that we had six kids to manage and one on the way.

She had become a vital part of our family and we used her as an emergency contact for the kids at school. So when she called me at work, I was rather alarmed. The kids weren't sick often and I hadn't missed many days of work apart from the week or so I spent recovering after I got out of the hospital, so I was a bit on edge when I got her call.

"Hi Lynn, it's Nessa. I've been trying to reach you for hours. There's a problem with Greg. Can you leave work? It's important." She asked a bit nervously. I could tell by her tone that she was apprehensive and that had me worried.

"Okay... I guess I can take lunch now. Why, what happened?" I inquired. My breathing was shaky and fear was staring to rise in me.

I knew what Greg was capable of since he'd been hospitalized twice before, as well as I knew what he had done in the last few weeks to get my attention. He had ditched school a few times and gotten into some fights that landed us both in the principal's office. I wasn't sure why he was suddenly acting out. Maybe it was because of my breakup with his father and having him put in jail, or maybe it was just hormonal teen angst and an attempt at independence.

I couldn't be sure, but he seemed unaffected by the recent changes in our lives and got along well with Jules. I couldn't imagine him getting into another fight after he'd been punished for the last one he'd gotten into. He seemed to take responsibility for his actions and promised to be on the right path from then on.

"Um Lynn, this may take a while. I think you need to take the rest of the day off." Nessa replied almost hesitantly.

"Okay should I meet you in the principal's office or at the guidance counselor's?" I asked, hoping beyond hope that I didn't have to meet with the principal again. Not that he wasn't a nice man, but I hated the way the ladies who worked in the office stared at me, almost judging me and my lifestyle. Stupid bitchy old ladies were probably talking behind my back.

"He's not at school. Meet us at the police station. I'll wait for you out front." She responded quietly before hanging up the phone.

"Shit." I muttered to myself as I walked down the hall in search of my boss. A sense of dread came over me. What the hell could he have possibly done to land himself in jail?

After clearing my early leave with my boss, I phoned Jules and begged him to meet me at the station. He pulled up the same time I did and immediately enveloped me in a hug as soon as I stepped foot out of the car. I was safe and calm in his warm, strong arms, but I knew that sooner or later he'd have to release me and I'd be thrust back into reality.

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