Chapter 32: Learning to Heal

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Hey fans... sorry this took so long but as many of you know I've had some family issues lately... but please enjoy this... especially you Immy-Boo & You Kentasty!! There is a little something special in it for both of you ;P

Please comment & vote if you like it!!


Recap chap 31:

“I love you Jules and I would never leave you.” I responded when our lips parted.

“We’re stronger than this. We can get through this and I know just where to start.” He replied with a genuine smile that slowly turned into a smirk. Holy shit! What the hell has he got up his sleeve?


Chapter 32: Learning to Heal

We made for shore as soon as the servants got back with the small motor boat. The captain docked us in Julien's regular slip and he guided me to the awaiting limo. I gathered my overnight bag and brought it with me, just in case Julien’s idea was a bit too out there for me.

After the limo dropped us off in town, we grabbed a bite to eat at a local bar and grill. I passed on the alcohol this time, even though it was uncustomary for me to do so, but the thought of being pregnant with Jules' baby made the idea of ingesting alcohol hard to swallow. Jules didn't pass up a beer though, because he said he'd need it for what he was about to do.

This made me curious as to what he had planned, but he refused to let me in on the secret, noting that it was a surprise. I grumbled to myself, because I hated surprises, but distracted my thoughts by telling tales of my previous drunken escapades. I even went so far as to retell the story of when I was drunk at the office Christmas party, groped a few good-looking doctors, and proclaimed that I was having a gay man's baby.

Julien nearly choked and spit his beer all over the table when the words left my mouth. I wished Mark would have found my remark that night as amusing as Jules did now. Sadly, it just caused another fight between us because in Mark’s eyes, I was nothing but an embarrassing whore. I pushed all thoughts of Mark aside and reveled in the time I had left with Julien.

We walked hand in hand and though we were in a secret relationship, it felt comfortable, so right to be with him openly. I wondered if it wasn’t too ballsy to be walking around holding hands and kissing in public when I was married to someone else. I was just about to question Jules on the subject when he smiled excitedly and gently pushed me through a door he had just opened. I surveyed my surroundings and had to questions just Julien’s sanity for a moment.

We were in Walgreen’s. What the hell did Walgreen’s drugstore have to do with working through our issues? Was he completely insane, or had I missed the fun of forming a lasting, intimate attachment to another person while in a drugstore? I eyed him curiously as he dragged me down aisle after aisle searching for some unknown prize that was going to facilitate the healing process for both of us.

“Do you have to go to the bathroom?” Jules asked with a wide smile and I realized that his random questioning meant that he had definitely gone crazy.

“Of course I have to go to the bathroom Jules, I'm me. I pee twenty freaking times a day and you know that. It hasn't changed any." I replied with bewilderment. Where exactly was he going with this line of thinking?

"Good." Was his only response, to which I raised an eyebrow curiously.

"Why Jules?" I inquired, getting a bit annoyed that he still hadn't clued me in on his plans. He grabbed a box off of the third shelf down and eagerly thrust it into my hands. I looked it over and then rolled my eyes at his enthusiasm.

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