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Please read this story through chap 23 BEFORE reading Julien's story, or this one will be RUINED!!

BTW, there is absolutely nothing unusual or supernatural about this story... no vamps, werewolves, magic or stuff like that. It's just good old fashioned HUMAN drama/romance.



The Unbelievable Life of Lynn Carmina


Have you ever done something that you knew was so wrong, even though it felt so right?

Well, that's where I am sitting right now. In a place I can't deny, and about to do something I should say no to. So why am I so excited? Why is my heart pounding in my chest? If it is so wrong, why do I want it more than anything?

I can't deny that it would be a huge mistake, the biggest mistake of my sorry existence. Yet I can't bring myself to turn and walk away. So many people will get hurt, people I love, people I don't even know. If I think about it too much, I just may lose my nerve.

See, my name is Lynn Carmina. I'm 35 years old, but a very young 35, more like 21 actually. I have found a renewed sense of youth in my present situation. Maybe it is because of all I have endured throughout my life. Sure, I'm still young, 35 isn't that old, but it's a hell of a lot older than 21.

The circumstances of my life have shaped me in strange ways. Some of the occurrences were dull and insignificant, like first bike ride, first day in high school, stuff like that. But some of my experiences like my sisters being kidnapped and my boyfriend cheating on me, to the loss of someone dear to me, have guided my life down unexpected paths.

If I had to describe myself the first thing I would say is that I'm crazy and kind of a bitch. Well, not technically crazy in a 'needs immediate hospitalization' way, but irrational and impulsive with a fucked up way of seeing things.

As for the bitchy part, that is totally true. I'm a little OCD and rather emotional and unstable, but in a good way. I like to fight, not physically, though I would never back down if threatened, and I like to yell and scream.

If I'm not in a confrontation, then I must be asleep. I really don't enjoy confrontation, but I am drawn to it because of my hot temper and relentless sense of wrong and right, which is apparently failing me in this moment. I am passionate about my views and convictions which sometimes gets me into trouble since I have a very big mouth that never closes!

Sure, I may sound like a bad person, but in truth I have a heart of gold. I am funny and have a great sense of humor. I love deeply, am kind and considerate and I care, sometimes too much and at my own expense, about all of the people in my life. I am wise beyond my years, a product of my life experiences and I love to flirt, which also gets me into trouble, far more trouble than I ever could have imagined.

I am short, 5 foot 2 inches, with naturally dark brown hair, which I love to dye different colors, auburn being my favorite and I have beautiful hazel eyes. They change color a lot. Sometimes they are greener, and sometimes more brown, but often they are a combination of both with prominent brown flecks throughout. I have an average build and am in no way beautiful.

Some have said I am, but I just think I'm considered decent. People always told me I had a pretty face, which effectively means you're pretty, but fat. I look very young. Most people guess that I am in my early to mid twenties, which is laughable but flattering.

So here I sit, with my best friend Shelly and my heart feeling like a lump in my throat. I've had one too many strawberry margaritas and not nearly enough food. We saw some lame movie because she is lovesick and heartbroken over her boyfriend being out of the country. It's sad, since he was only in the country for two months after being gone for over eight months.

My cell phone vibrates on the table and I pick it up and smile incredulously. It was the text I had been waiting for. I read it and got really excited. A few seconds later, I felt really sick. Not sick like 'I'm going to throw up', but sick like 'why am I doing this to myself'. This is so wrong, so very wrong.

How can I live with myself? How can I look my friends and family in the face? Why would I torture myself like this? When will my misery end? All I want is some happiness. I deserve some happiness in my life, don't I?

Well enough about me, let's get to my story. It's the story of how I ruined my less than perfect but more than complicated and definitely unbelievable life.


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Thanks again Crissy <3

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