Chapter 5: Parents

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 Hey guys, so here is chapter 5. It was a very emotional one for me...

it was based on true events.

Sadly, the last part about Stan, made me cry when I wrote it...

so go easy on me.

Comment & Vote PLEASE.


Chapter 5: Parents

I made my way back inside the bar after about my second or third smoke. What do you want? It’s what I do when I’m stressed! Shelly had a slightly annoyed and disappointed look on her face when I returned. She would always tell me the truth, even if it hurt. That is why I loved her so much. She would give me advice and of course, I would never listen. She never judged me, and she always supported me, even when I was wrong, like now. That’s what a besty is for, am I right?

“So, we gonna talk about this?” She asked with hopeful, yet disappointed eyes.

“Not right now. How about we move on to the next topic?” I announced calmly while averting my nervous gaze.

“Okay, then how is your mom?” Wow, she can really pick a topic can’t she? It was probably the only other topic I really had no desire to discuss. I love my mom, I really do, and she’s like my best friend, now anyway. But we have had a strained relationship through the years. See, my mom Vivian is on her third husband, Stan. He’s a really nice guy and he loves her a lot. I love and respect him too, but that was not always the case!

See, when your parents come home from breakfast one Sunday morning and suddenly announce they are getting a divorce, without warning, it tends to have an effect… not a good one! When your dad is forced to move out a few days later and in a week, some other dude moves in, this really puts a damper on things. My sister Mary & I, who were 16 & 18, respectively, couldn’t handle the shock. We asked my mom to let us stay with our sister Kat for a few days. This was where my dad was staying until he figured out what the hell was going on. Yeah, good luck with that one! Note the sarcasm!

Anyway, we were all very distraught over the whole situation. We crammed ourselves into her small 3 bedroom home. It was cramped, with people sleeping on couches and on the floor. She had 3 kids and not a lot of room to spare. But we needed to be together and we needed our dad, he was hurting bad. It took all the restraint I had, not to rip my mom’s face off. I was daddy’s little girl, though I had many sisters. It was our little secret, no one else knew. He called me his ‘most favorite girl’, it was our thing. ‘MFG’, most favorite girl, he would say, it was our code, and I would smile and laugh at the secrecy of our special relationship. And to be honest, when I was little, there was no one I loved more than my dad.

Only, at this time in our lives, I couldn’t really seem to smile when his face was so full of pain and my heart was breaking, not only for him, but for myself as well. How could she do this? I fucking hated her. I didn’t understand. I just didn’t get it at all. I never saw any problems at all in their relationship, but I was blind to her pain and suffering. This was something I wouldn’t understand until I was older, much older. And being in the situation that I was in right now, I totally got it! Finally, the blinders came off and it was all so clear, but this is yet another story. I felt like shit for treating my mom and Stan so bad for so long.

Sure, it’s not easy, when your 18 and your parents suddenly get divorced, sending your dad running for the hills and moving to Florida the day after your high school graduation. Yeah, fucking Florida, to get back together with his first wife and mother of his first 2 daughters, I mentioned them earlier. Life fucking sucked the big one. I was glad, that he at least stayed around to see me graduate. It was hell the whole time of course, what with my mom and Stan all over each other and my dad sitting in the back being all sad and heartbroken.

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