Jungkook - save me 🔞

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Jungkook's p.o.v

"How do you just lose my fucking wife! I gave you two one job and you lost my fucking wife!"

"Jungkook, calm down!"

"I don't want to calm down. Right now I want to kill these two for losing my wife!"

"We're sorry sir, we're very sorry"

"You better be fucking sorry. If my wife dies or something is badly done to her, you better sleep with one eye wide open. Get out of my sight the pair of you"

The two men exited the room as I sat down on my chair trying to figure out where the hell my wife could be.

"Jimin track Y/N's and try to find where the last known location of where it is or was"


"Jin and Yoongi, I'm gonna be the best guns we got in storage for whoever we have to deal with"

"On it"

"Namjoon, whoever this person is I need to know if they have security cameras and if so I need them shut down along with any other type of security"

"Got it"

"Tae and Hoseok, you guys are with me to come to build an entrance and escape plan"

"We'll get started. You take a breather and let yourself cool done before we do anything"

"Thanks. I just want her to be alright"

"And she will be. Y/N is a fighter and the strongest woman to enter this mansion"

"You two may leave. I'll come check on everyone in 30 mins"


Everyone had left the room as I looked out the window. The sun had set as the city lights now lit up across the sidewalks.

"Please be ok Y/N, I can't lose you"

Y/N's p.o.v

Dried blood was all over my body. Bruises had started to form on my body. All because they wanted to lure information out about my husband. Jeon Jungkook, a.k.a the mafia king. Someone you shouldn't mess with at all. He's someone who won't hesitate to shoot you on the spot.

"Ah, you're awake! Are you gonna spill information today?"

"In your dreams Jaebeom"

"You gonna make me damage another pipe"

"Do it. I'm not dragging down my husband like that"

"Suit yourself sweetheart"

The pipe hit my back as I fell down. I had been hit so many times that it didn't even feel like anything anymore. Some tears fell from my eyes as I winced in pain.

"Ah, is our little princess crying what a shame. Jackson finish the job. I hate wasting my energy on her"

I saw him hand the pipe to Jackson. I was expecting another hit but nothing came. I couldn't move so I just laid there as Jackson sat on the floor.

"You know you should just tell him the information otherwise he isn't going to stop"

"I'm not selling my husband out like that. You would do the same if your significant was a mafia leader"

"Point taken"

"You know Jungkook is on his way, so I hope you guys are ready for a shootout"

"We're more than ready sweetheart. And when they arrive Jaebeom won't hesitate to drag you out of this room and shoot you right in front of your husband and watch him crumble as you fall to the ground and bleed to death"

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