Yoongi - family matters

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🔞 - warning - mild language

Yoongi's p.o.v

There was some small tension in the air as I sat opposite to Y/N's parents and siblings. Her younger brother and sister lived with us after her parents practically abandoned them after her sister turned 3. Y/N was 19 when she was left to take care of two children. Her brother was 7 when it happens so it was easier to focus on them but still hard. She had to work two jobs to keep them sheltered and healthy.

We met 5 years when Y/N was 25. Her brother now turned 13 and her sister turned 9. I managed to get her a job within Hybe and initially took her in as a roommate. It's been 3 years since they all moved into my place. Her siblings both now being teenagers, she felt a little bit relaxed. They both went to school together and came back together. She raised them well, she doesn't think that, but she did a good job.

"Did anyone want something to drink?"

"I will take some water please Yoongi"

"No worries Jae, anybody else?"

"We're fine" - Y/N's mom

I grabbed a glass and poured some water in it for Jae and passed it to him.

"When is Y/N expected home?" - Y/N's Dad

"She finished at 5 so she should be pulling up anytime soon"

As on cue the door opened and shut. Footsteps approached the kitchen area before Y/N's figure appeared in the entryway. Her head lifted up and the smile that was on her fade disappeared.

"Get out"

"That's no way to greet your parents"

"You haven't been my parents for nearly 10 years. What makes you think you have the right to call yourself parents. Get out or I'll kick you out myself"

"Y/N, we just want to talk"

"Yoongi, please take Jae and Hyun upstairs please"

"Unnie, we don't want to go"

"Please baby, I promise everything will be fine"

"Ok. Come on Hyun, we can go play if you'd like"

She took his hand as they went upstairs. I stayed put in the kitchen. Once they were out of sight I turned my attention back to everyone.

"You want to talk. You've had all this time to find us and talk. You've got 10 minutes and then you leave"

I made everyone a drink as I sat next to Y/N at the table.

"Firstly, we came back to see how you were all doing. Seems that you've done a good job. Jae and Hyun look very well and are well behaved"

"You don't need to tell me. I've known that for the last 9 years of my life"

"We also came to discuss another issue"

"What would that be exactly?"

"We are here to take Jae and Hyun back"

We both looked up and I looked at Y/N and she was angry. Her fists were clenched as she glared at them.

"I think the fuck not. You don't get to leave for nearly 10 years abandoning your children and the decide you want to be parents. You don't deserve to be parents. Jae and Hyun belong with me and if you don't like that, then we'll take it to court if we have to"


"Stop saying my name out of your dirty mouths. You are useless. You are pathetic. You are by far the worst fucking parents on this earth. Who could possibly sit there and even think to abandon their children. Do you know how much we've all been through because of you two! I had to give up my spot at Seoul National University because nobody wanted to help me with Jae and Hyun. I put my whole body on the line to ensure that those two amazing kids got the life of their time. Whilst you two fucked of doing gods know what"

Y/N's p.o.v

I stared at them in disbelief. How could they say such things. I had to keep my fists clenched otherwise one of them would've gotten punched by now. Yoongi had kept his hand on my leg, which had helped reassure me.

"On behalf on Y/N, with all due respect. I don't think you deserve to even be in this house. I don't think you ever deserve to know your children anymore. You left them when they needed you the most. You left them at a time when Y/N was about make you the proudest parents. You don't get to just waltz into my apartment and claim something you abandoned long time ago. Y/N and her siblings are happy here and they are at home here. Either you like that and will be happy for them or you can kindly leave and never contact them again"

"You stay out of this. This is a family Matt-"

"You don't dare speak a word to Yoongi, after what you did to us he was willing to help us out. I got a job because of Yoongi. We have a home because of Yoongi. Jae is class president and the captain of the basketball team and Hyun is head of her class and you know what, I did that! I raised them. Not you. Fucking pathetic. It's been 10 minutes now you can leave"

"We're not finished"

"Well I am. Get out now"


I stood up and grabbed their bags, shoes and coats and chucked them out of the door before grabbing them by their clothing and pushing them out of them door.

"I am finished talking to you. You want to talk more then I guess I will see you in court. Don't ever show your face here or any in public. If I hear from Jae and Hyun that you have tired speaking to them I will not be happy and will
go so far as to put a restraining order on you both"

And with that I slammed the door in the face as I let out the breathe I didn't know I was holding. Tears brimmed my eyes as I fell to the floor. I felt arms around my back as I pulled into an embrace.

"I'll make sure they'll never step foot towards any of you again. You did an amazing job raising Jae and Hyun. We won't let them win. You did good. I'm so proud of the woman you have become"

"Is unnie ok?"

"Hey guys, she is just a having a moment. Those people were trying to take you away from her"

"Unnie, Jae and I will never leave you. We don't want to ever leave you"

I looked up to see my siblings sat on the floor with us. I embraced them in hug as a smile formed on my face. This is my family. I did this. I put the smiles on their faces. I should be proud of that.

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