Jimin - all for love

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It's like he couldn't stop.  No matter how many time he got told to stop he just couldn't. Jimin was usually a calm and collected human being but at the rate he couldn't help but get too much whenever he had a match. He would say the same excuse as to why the match would go far beyond what it should have 'They were badmouthing you and saying dirty things'. I couldn't care less what people were saying what mattered the most was that Jimin never got hurt that much or ended up in the hospital.

Jimin's p.o.v

"Are you ready for the big match on Saturday, hyung?"

"Yeah. I'm just wondering if Y/N will come this time"

"I'm sure she will. She's never missed a match"

"I know but after last time she wouldn't talk to me for two weeks because I took it too far "

"Look, if they bad mouth again just walk away. Be the bigger person and walk away"

"I really can't promise anything but I will try my best to be the bigger person tonight"

We got back to training for the match. My mind still wondering if Y/N would show up Saturday. I just have to try and keep my cool otherwise whatever happens could make or break our relationship. She didn't mind me being a boxer she just really disliked it when I took things too far after the match settled down. No matter who I was against they always had something to bad mouth about, it was mainly towards Y/N. They would say such dirty things about Y/N or what they wanted to do to her. It angered me.

"Jimin, Y/N's here!"

I stopped running on the treadmill and turned around to see Y/N walking through the door with a box in her hand. I stepped down  and headed towards her. We shared a kiss before sitting down in the office of the gym.

"What did I do to deserve this visit?"

"I brought you some lunch. I saw that you didn't eat breakfast"

"Thank you baby. Was your morning alright?"

"Yeah would've been better if you were there when I woke up"

"I know baby. I'm sorry. After this match I've got vacation for two months"

"Finally! Does this mean we can go on that well awaited holiday to Italy?"

"Yes and do so much other stuff"

"Hmm, I'm just ready to get away with you"

"I know you are baby. Are you coming on Saturday. It would be great"

"You know I'll always be there"

We ate our lunch before Y/N had to go see her mum. Her mum lived by herself after Y/N's dad died three years ago. They both still found it hard that he wasn't here anymore but they go see his grave every other week. I join them sometimes but other times I leave them to it. I finished up in the gym and drove home to relax for the rest of the day.


Saturday night had arrived and it was an hour until the match would start. The crowd was slowly filling up and I could the chants for both my side and my opponents side.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, is Y/N in the crowd?"

"Yeah front row"

"I don't know why but I'm nervous. What if I can't control myself if they start badmouthing?"

"Use something as motivation to calm yourself down, like Y/N and making the relationship work"

"Alright. I'm ready to start"

My manager helped put my gloves on before we headed out towards the walkway to the ring. The crowds cheers got louder with other footsteps as I ascended towards the steps of the ring. I looked to my right and saw Y/N sitting next to my friends. A smile appeared on my face as she waved at me. My motivation to win was her and always will be her.


We were halfway through the match and it was currently a tie. Both of us were cut and covered in blood. I could the blood tricking down my chin as it bled from my lip. I had to win this. To prove to myself that I am a good fighter. I won't back down. At the moment I was standing up waiting for my opponent to get back up.

We fought for a couple for minutes before I threw a punch toward his right side of the face sending him back down to the ground. This was the final round. It was all or nothing. I stood waiting but he didn't stand back up.

"The winner is Park Jimin!"

I could see the crowd stand up and cheer after I was declared the winner. I saw Y/N cheering and smiling as she blew me a kiss.

"Woo, that's your Mrs. I'd hit that any day"

Keep calm Jimin, you promised. Do it for Y/N. I got out of the ring and started to walk away.

"Hey, if you ever feel the need to walk away from your lover; you know where to find me, Y/N! I'm sure I can be a better lover than that"

Before I could even turn around I heard the crowd gasp and cheer. I turned towards the ring and saw my opponent on the ground holding his area. I looked up and saw Y/N standing there over his body. I saw her hand lift up before she slapped him across the face before punching him in the nose. I ran towards her and pulled her out of the ring before anything escalated. We entered the changing room and I placed her down on the table.

"Hey, what was that all about?"

"He said you weren't a good lover so I made sure he wasn't one"

"Usually it's me doing the retaliating. Let me look at your hand. You got him pretty good"

"Sorry. I told you not to do it and I ended up doing it"

"Don't be sorry. You stood up for yourself. Now, you going to have a few bruises but they will go soon"

"Thank you. I just hope it won't ruin anything for you"

"Baby, whether it ruins it for me or not; you always come first remember"

"Ok. Can we go home now. We've got a vacation to plan"

"Let's go. And from now on whatever we do regarding each other; it's all for love"

"All for love"

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