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TW. Dissociative identity disorder/Split personality disorder

My AU.

Source - YouTube, Twitch

Main characters - Tomathy/Tommy/Tim  :  Tommy/Tyler

Warning - ⚠️split personality disorder⚠️ (is that something that needs to be warned?)

Parts/ideas included - two

Tomathy had dissociative identity disorder. His main one was Tommy. Tommy was a child in all shapes. Tommy loved to yell, hated silence, and wanted nothing other then violence. Tim was the other one. Tim was quiet. Just, quiet. When Tim is in control of the body, he is quiet. Tomathy was 12 when he was diagnosed. 2 years later, Tomathy started doing Twitch. He played Minecraft. Doing mining, playing bedwars, skywars, all that good shit. He also started streaming on YouTube. His parents didn't want to deal with a kid that could be loud one second and quiet the next. So they left. With the donations Tommy was able to pay for the house. Here Tommy is. Currently, in a house living alone. On the Dream SMP with everyone else. They were steaming, most were. Tomathy wasn't. He was the only one who wasn't and he had a good reason why. Whenever he would stream, Tommy would be in control, whenever something was dirty or they needed to cook Tomathy would be in control, and when they had school Tim would be in control. That's why he wasn't streaming, Tim was in control. Tim was reading a book rather than listening to what everyone else was saying. It was Wilbur's turn. He chose Tommy.

"Tommy, truth or dare?" -Wilbur

"Hmmm..." -Tim

"Tommy? You there." -Wilbur

"This is a nice book, what do you think Zavia? $hiss$ I quite agree Zavia it is much better then Tommy's friends. I don't know how we share Tomathy's body as he is so very immature. $Hiss$ You're not wrong, he is the main reason we're not on the streets right now. I wonder how Tomathy feels. We never asked did we my little python.... Weren't we on a call with Tommy's friends?" -Tim

Tim took off his glasses and looks up seeing how he was is a discord call with all of Tommy's friends.

"Ah, I must apologize, it seems that Tommy failed to tell me about how he was in a discord call." -Tim

"Who are you?" -Dream

"Hm? Ah, my name is Tim, I am very close to the person? Alter? However you should call him, Tommy. If you need an explanation on who I am both Tommy and I would prefer for everyone to end their streams." -Tim

   Everyone ended their streams separately saying sorry for the short stream and how they would stream later or something.

"Are all your streams off?" -Tim

"Yes," -all

"Alright, my name is Tim. Tommy trusts you, so I will too. Here is the explanation you need. Tomathy is our host. Me and Tommy are merely alters. I like to read an speak to our snake Zavia. I also do most of the school work. Tommy is a child, not any child. The child. He rather keep his child like personality. When we were 12 Tomathy we diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder. We've had to live by ourselves for approximately 1 year, 9 months, and 7 days. Thanks to Tommy we are able to stay in this house. Tomathy has always loved hygiene and cleaning, so if you by any chance meet him and you are not clean he will step up and tell you to clean yourself. If your house is dirty, he will clean it. He's a bit of a germophobe." -Tim

——Take Two——
  —New Idea—


Tommy was standing on top of a hill. His hair was up with a hair tie, having his blond dyed blue hair showing under his blond pony tail.

 He was wearing something that looked suspiciously similar to Technoblade's clothes

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He was wearing something that looked suspiciously similar to Technoblade's clothes. He had a white button up shirt with yellow buttons that were actual gold. Not many people know this, but Tommy can make clothing that has ores included such as diamonds, emeralds, gold, even netherite! He had a home made red cape wrapped around his shoulders. He named his cape Leviathan, Levi for short seeing as the cape had a mind for itself somehow (doctor Strange who?). He also used the cape to hide his wings that grew in during his time in exile. He still has yet to tell anyone. His entire left leg was wrapped in bandages to both hide the many different scars but also as a comforting thing. He had many explosions set off near his in his time at the Dream SMP and had many burns on his left leg as he always tried his hardest to keep his dominant leg out of danger. The comforting thing about the bandages on his leg were the people who put them on. Techno had done it once, and so had Deo. He kept them on to remind himself someone cared at some point in time. He wasn't wearing any shoes as he found them a bit pointless with in the clothing he was in. He was wearing some baggy jeans that had the entire left leg ripped off and a purple chain around his waist that Ranboo had given him.

 He was wearing some baggy jeans that had the entire left leg ripped off and a purple chain around his waist that Ranboo had given him

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Turning around, he spotted Tubbo and the rest of L'manburg. Normally, Tommy wouldn't know how to respond to people showing up suddenly, but Tommy wasn't in control of his body at the moment.

   Tommy's pent up stress had caused him to have a split personality. His personality's name was Theseus and he acted quite a bit like Techno, but British and not a blood god. His other personality was named Tyler and he was the spirt Tommy wished he could have kept. "Yes darlin'?"

  To say Tubbo was shocked was an understatement, his best friend turned to him and addressed him as 'darlin'' which he had never done before. Ranboo, however, was used to Theseus being out and called to him, "Good day Theseus."

    Theseus preferred people talked to him with respect, and didn't like people using slags in their words. Everything about him demanded respect.

   No one knew about his split personality, other than the people who lived or visited Techno's house other than Dream who visited quite often. People might think Dream likes Techno in more than a sparing parter.

"Good day young Boo. Or, is it underscore now? What last name do you use?"

"Ah, I see the confusion Sire Theseus. I still use Boo but the last name Underscore is still on the table. You however, do you use Innit still or do you use a different last name?"

"I personally only use SchlattSon while Tyler uses Soot. It is Tommy who uses the last name Innit."

Of corse, no one had a clue what they were talking about. Though none looked like they were going to explain anytime soon.

(1144 words total)

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