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Genre - IRL MCYT, SMP, song fic

Main character - Tommy

Warning - none

Picture - none


Tommy was a great fighter. Better than everyone. He never showed it because he didn't want to be used. The only reason he was better than everyone, even Technoblade, was because he raised himself. He was neglected by Phil so he had to raise himself. He lived off of apples, potato's, carrots, and anything he could plant. Tommy never had meat. He, although been in wars, has never had the heart to kill animals. He didn't, and still doesn't, see how people could kill a poor animal while it was defenseless. He always had a soft spot for the things he lived with.

   It been 7 months since exile started. Tommy was sitting on a tree. It's very common. He would climb a tree and sit on top of the tree wondering what it would be like to fly freely like a bird, or how it would to fly with his 'father' like Wilbur or Technoblade. When thinking of the latter he would tear up and sing a song, one he made.

        "You fascinated me,"

Tommy grew wings when he was 3, he was a smart kid and wanted to be like his father. His father could only sharpen his wings like a sword, but to gain the attention of his father Tommy would train till he was 7 and could harden his wings like a shield that would never break.

         "Cloaked in Shadows and Secrecy,"

Tommy was always inspired by how Technoblade could hide in the shadows and lie oh so easily to Phil, that he learned. He practiced and lied to Phil's face till Phi couldn't tell his lie from his truth.

          "The Beauty of a broken angel,"

Tommy was broken. He was very soft for those he cared about. Like, a cursing and loud angel that would do anything for you. He was always so trusting and kind. Now he doesn't know who to trust or who to fight so he just turns around and walks away.

          "I ventured carefully,"

Tommy was always careful when traveling as he didn't want to harm or destroy any animal home when walking away from the people he didn't trust nor want to fight.

         "Afraid of What You Thought I'd be,"

  Tommy was insecure about what others thought about him as he was able to tell if someone is lying about what they thought about him.

          "But Pretty Soon I Was Tangled,"

  He was entranced when watching Tubbo go around playing with bees. He never thought that Tubbo would have the heart to hurt him as they were friends. He was tangled and never doubted Tubbo's loyalty.

        "You take me by the hand,"

"Promise me you'll never let go Tommy!"

    "I promise I'll never let you go Tubbo"

    "I Question Who I Am,"

When he's  around Tubbo, he's Tubbo's  Tommy, and he's Tommy's Tubbo. But when he's  around others He's just 'child' or 'TommyInnit'.... who is he, truly?

            "Teach Me How To Fight,"

The thing he said to his friend, Poppy. A zombie pigman who was a warrior

"I'll Show You How To Win,"

  He taught his wolf 'Colten' how to grow and fight. How to win any war, and how to strategize his opponents.

     "You're My Mortal Flaw,"

  He would do anything for Tubbo, weather it's giving up a life or giving up his disks that he made when he was 5.

    "And I'm Your Fatal sin,"

  Humans that were stupid enough to try and fight Poppy or Tubbo were held up against Tommy's dagger he made that had poison on it.

      "Let Me Feel The Sting,"

  When a bee would get mad at Tubbo for some reason and try to sting him behind his back Tommy would always take the sting and wrap it up saying he got pricked on a rose thorn.

        "The pain,"

  The pain of being neglected for the things his brothers can do that he can also do.

       "The burn Under My Skin,"

  The house burned down because an 8 year old Technoblade was trying to cook, and Tommy was stuck inside the burning house till he found a way out with burns on his left arm. The burns eventually toned down with his plant based remedy's, though it still left a scar underneath all that almost clear skin.

      "Put Me To The Test,"

  He always kept his head down in school and passed with all B's. But to pass a grade he would use half of his brain rather than one fourth of his brain to get all A's.

         "I'll Prove That I'm Strong,"

  People thought that being friends with the bee boy that wouldn't physically hurt anyone would mean Tommy wouldn't have the guts to hit them. But the bullies weren't defenseless, so Tommy felt no sympathy towards the bullies while beating them up.

        "Won't Let Myself Believe, That What We feel Is Wrong,"

       Tommy overheard Phil telling Techno that to be a warrior you must not show any emotion. Tommy was bound to prove him wrong

       "I Finally See What You Knew Inside Me All Along,"

   Poppy's mother and father were the head of the guards. They treated him like their son and taught him how to fight. He wondered why, but now he knows.

     "That Behind This Soft Exterior..."

   Behind the metaphorical mask he puts up,

         "Lies a Warrior......"

Everyone from L'manburg was watching Tommy sing. He had his shirt off so you could see all the scars. Tommy sighed and stood up. He spread out his wings and said, "Dream, if you were right about no one liking me, I already knew. No one is able to lie to my face. The only person I liked was Tubbo. He was the only one there for me. He never wanted me gone. You Dream," Tommy said as he pointed towards Dream, "wanted me gone so you wouldn't have anyone against you. I am the only one who would defy you as I was the one who could defy you."

"W- what do you mean?" -Dream

  "You lied," Tommy said. Everyone was in shock because they had no clue what Dream did to Tommy during the time in exile, "You said they didn't care, you said you were my only friend. If that was true why didn't I have a need to keep you safe like I did with Tubbo? Why did I not feel like a failure when you got hurt? And why did you lie to my face over, and over again?" Tommy was done talking. He had nothing to say. Till someone said something, "You started the wars, Dream did that to keep us safe from the wars!" -Someone

      "No, he didn't. The only war I somewhat started, was the disk war. And I started that war because he stole from me. Those disks were hand made by me, along with the music on the disks. The reason I loved this disks was because they were the only thing keeping my connected to my shitty childhood."

Song - Warrior by Beth Crowley
Part 2?  1176 words

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