Anarchist/Business Bay Tommy + platonic marriages

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Deo yelled as soon as he saw the blond. Deo quickly ran to the blond shoving a piece of paper in his face,



   Deo had gone outside to get any mail or updates for any coming anarchy. When he looked at the letters he saw a smudged 'Tubbo-Ranboo' and ran to the only other person that knew them personally. Tommy knew the two weren't supposed to write more then once a month so the fact they had a second letter scared him. He immediately opened it and saw the words


Instead of the normal,

'Dear Tommy and Deo,'

He immediately knew something was wrong so he grabbed Deo's wrist and dragged him to their room. When they got there Tommy basically threw Deo on the bed then read the letter out loud in angry mumbles.

A man named Dream made it into the previously peaceful server and made a government, he is slowly taking over the entire server and renamed it to the DreamSMP. Please, I don't want Micheal to grow up in a server like this! He doesn't know Micheal exists yet, but my memory is getting worse because of the stress. I almost forgot my name. It was written in my book so I didn't forget it, but I'm scared! Tubbo is still working on nukes. Currently he managed to make them smaller and control the damage but he is working on hiding them in bees or make them look like bees, or something harmless. Bring Techno and Phil if you can please, Wilbur is here and I don't think his sanity is going to stay long without them. Please, come soon.
-Love You

"Deo, we have to go. You know what to do."

    Deo nodded and went to do what he was meant to do. Tommy immediately put his armor in a bag (his inventory) along with all other weapons he could find. He also took a spare ender chest just in case he needed his knock back stick he got from killing the admin. After getting everything he needed from his chest and putting it in his bag/inventory he ran as fast as he could to the Arctic Empire, thankful for his light bag/inventory. When he got there he was barely winded but slightly smiling for he had not seen any guards. He started doing what I call 'tic tac mash up' where your brain is going faster the thought possible, or what others would call, 'Midoriya mumble' and came to the conclusion that he should not knock but crawl/sneak in. He decided that going threw the window was the best idea. He crawled threw a window he opened and ran to where he could smell Techno, Techno always had the obnoxious smell of pig when he was calm.


"Why? Why should we help you Theasus?"

    "My son! He's in a server with my other two husbands, there's a bad government, someone took over a peaceful server, Wilburs going insane, and I don't want my child dying!!"

  "....Your son..?"

"Yes! Micheal!! Tub and Ran found him in the nether lonely without a family and adopted him with his friend chicken that somehow got in the nether!"

   "...Other husbands..?"

"THAT IS THE LEAST OF YOUR CONCERNS!! Wilburs going crazy, a government exists, my family is in trouble, a man named 'Dream' took over a peaceful server, and I need your help!!"

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