Every puppeteer has to sleep.. (not done)

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Dream was tired. Physical tired. He watched Tommy all day in secret and had to make sure he didn't try to escape. He was the puppeteer. He had control on Tommy. He thought he was a god, but no god needs to sleep, and Dream wasn't a god.

Tommy knew, knew, that Dream was watching him. He could feel his stares. Tommy walked to his tent, if he was going to be watched, he definitely wasn't going to be watched when he was doing something productive. He'd rather do that in silence and would rather feel safe while doing it.

Tommy was fake sleeping. While he was fake sleeping he had to think.
'Why is he watching me? Is it because I'm the only one who dares defy him? Is that why he tries to control me?'

    'He's like a puppeteer..'

'If he wants a puppet... he'll have to find a new one..'

       Then and there, it was decided. Tommy would leave his exile. He would run. He would leave his mask behind. He won't fake it anymore. He won't pretend to be happy, he wont pretend to be an idiot.

He won't go anywhere obvious, like Techno's, but if he found a good area to make a house he realizes he can't build for the life of him unless someone else is there. So he decides that he is going to make a hole in the mountain and live there. He may not be able to build a good looking house, but he can build a clone fairly easy. When he was done with the clone build he made some of them be maids, and butlers.

277 words. i still wanna post for you all but like- i have testing next week so i won't be able to and i might as well tell y'all the tea from my school.

1, i have a friend now! and official full on friend! and the best part is, i sit next to them in one of my classes! plus, they draw! their drawings are so cool

2, adding onto them drawing, they drew me! ikr, surprisingly, they did! i love it!

3, i've been writing more like, on google documents and kinda forgot that writing on wattpad was an option for me-

4, i HATE one of the school counselors. like, first off, she put on a shit video about depression awareness. secondly, she won't let me cuddle with my friend (mentioned in 1) and won't let me use MY PERSONAL LAPTOP TO READ.

5, i've been listening to insane clown posse whenever possible during school and i think that says something about my mental health.

6, me and my friend are planning on writing a fan fiction where my pe teacher has a side job as a lap dancer or something bc i swear no one can do squats that fuckinh well.

7, i have cried twice this week- first on tuesday bc hormones and shit, like i had no reason to cry other than the fact my body was like "ur gonna be a crybaby rn" and i almost cried on friday bc this kid in my pe class misgendered me and than corrected himself- so-

8, my friends dad is hot- like, i get i make jokes about adopting them but if it gets me their dad /j

and the last one, 9, this is gonna be a whole story time.

okay so, it's pe, and we're doing laser test. but for the teacher to do the laser test, he has a small group to do it and let's the rest of the kids (who are also in groups) play a game that i can't remember the name of. Y is on my team, and R and J are on theyir team. i'm being goalie bc why not. so i'm standing there, and all of a sudden, a ball hits my thigh. i look at the person who threw it and it was R so i yell (slightly) "YOI HIT MY THIGH YOU WHORE" but like, he was far enough that he didn't hear. and a bit later, R hits me again. this time, it was my tit, my left tit. and this time R was closer so i stare at him and point at him, then i yell "MY TITTY YOU WHORE" and he looked kinda embarrassed. but like his friend agreed with me, so 🤷🏻

and than a little bit later i gently threw the ball to my friend L (who i don't talk to much but i like his presence) and J runs over and hits it away, (the teacher was there btw,) and i point at him and say "FUCK YOU" and then J's team (honestly, also my team-) stared at me. the teacher didn't notice i yelled 'fuck you'

808 words total

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