Twitches & tics

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I looked on google, sorry if it's incorrect

My AU.


Source - YouTube, Twitch

Main character - Tommy

Warning - ⚠️Tics⚠️ (probably not a good description of it)

Picture - not found (like George during wars)

Tommy is a kid. Was a kid. He matured too fast. But when he was a kid, he made a whistle noise when he got stressed. Now Tommy is dead, he was on his last life, and now he's dead. Every dead person is able to go into their human form, Tommy just has more control and more knowledge about it. When Tommy was 'alive' he had tics. Tommy has tics, vocal and motor tics. His vocal tics were small, they were 'Pog!' 'Tubs!' 'Wilby' and a whistle sound. His motor tics were just neck twitch's and neck snaps. Now wars are over, it's been a year. Everyone's recovered. Except for Tommy. Tommy has scars from battle. Both physically and mentally. He has paranoia and trust issues. Tommy also has a scar over one of his eyes, he is almost blind in that eye. His back is covered in scars, if he laid down and you looked anywhere on his back there would be scars. There isn't a place on his back without scars whether it's lava burns, explosion marks, or sword scars, it's all there. Now that the wars are over everyone is sitting in a circle playing never have I ever. Most had less than 9 and they started at 15. Tommy had 5 when they asked is anyone had any mental disorders that weren't treated causing Tommy to go to 4. No one noticed till out of no where his neck snapped sideways harshly making a loud noise yelling "Pog!" Everyone looked in shocked as the fist time the spent with Tommy longer than 20 minutes had Tommy snap his neck at an angle that could kill.

"W- what was that Tommy?" -Tubbo

"It's nothing. *whistle and twitch*" -Tommy

"That's not nothing Tommy" -Dream

"Well it's nothing to me, I've had these for years. It usually happened when I was stressed or scared. But now the wars are over I have bad paranoia so whenever I feel stressed out my neck will pop to calm me down." -Tommy

"Yeah? Well the way your neck snapped, no offense or anything, but you should be dead." -George

"Well how would you know if I was dead or not? I've been in many wars, how many times do you think I've died and played it off as another near death experience." -Tommy

"Y- you mean to say your dead?!" -Tubbo

"Well, yeah. I have been for a year. Every dead person can be a normal human, they just can't die and their scars are still bleeding, why else would I cover my neck and forehead?" -Tommy

I don't know how to end this brov. How would one end it? I only have minor twitches so I don't know how to end this.

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