TNT duo + Tommy

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Dunno who made the photo but credits go to them

It was a normal night. Wilbur was cuddling his duckling, placing kisses on his forehead whenever he wanted. Neither could fall asleep, and neither knew why. Normally when they couldn't sleep, they would blow something up or set something on fire. They didn't feel like doing that though. They didn't want to get up and do something, and they had a feeling something was wrong.

The first time they had a gut feeling was when Tommy had a panic attack. Tommy's panic attack was caused by an explosion. Quackity had gotten too close to a creeper and the creeper had exploded. Tommy wasn't so near that he got hurt by the explosion, but he wasn't far enough he didn't hear it. Hearing an explosion reminded him of exile and the prison incident which was caused by an explosion. He started panicking and he had Quackity and Wilbur help him calm down.

While laying in bed, the duo was waiting. For what? They didn't know, until their door opened. When their door opened a meek voice had mumbled, "Are you up Wilby..? Lexy?"

The person at the door was non other than TommyInnit. Tommy had gotten more comfortable with calling Wilbur Wilby, and decided to give Quackity a nickname retaliated to his name. Tommy didn't really like different nicknames, which is why he normally sticks with 'Big' and whatever their name starts with unless they are very close. It's why he called Tubbo 'Tubbox' or 'Big Law' but overtime Tubbo had unintentionally replaced Tommy and Tommy went back to calling him 'Big T.' With Quackitys name being Alexis, Tommy took to calling him Lexy from his other nickname Alex.

Tommy was shivering in the doorway. He had a nightmare again. It was normal for him to have a nightmare, and if he was lucky he would dream of his younger years when he was five.

   This night, Tommy didn't have a lucky night. With the knowledge that someone had seen what he went through and didn't help, he had more nightmares like that. Often, in the nightmare, he would look around to see explosions. In the explosions were people he cared about, which was about everyone including Dream. No matter how much he denied it, he cared for everyone. Regardless if they tried to kill him or not.

What pained him even more before the explosions, was that everyone was screaming about what they hate about him. It wouldn't have hurt as much, if they weren't yelling about every tiny mistake. Nothing big, no. The small things, like misplacing a block.

Back to the real world, Tommy was shivering in the doorway with a blanket around his shoulders. "Yes darlin'?" Tommy looked at Wilbur, eyes shining in tears, and mumbled "Nightmare.." before looking down again.

Quackity scooted a bit way from Wilbur and said, "Come 'ere buddy. Sleep with us tonight," Quietly shuffling over, Tommy crawled into bed. (Hight details, Tommy is five eleven, Wilbur is six five, Quackity is also five eleven. 5'11, 6'5, and another 5'11.)

Curling a bit, it seams as though he is trying to become a literal ball. Wrapping his arms around the smaller boy, Wilbur kissed his forehead and Quackity decided to play with his hair. Falling asleep, Tommy was able to sleep like a babe.

-565 words total :) -

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