Rly rly RLY late 50k special

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You all have been waiting for this for like, enough time for 20k more reads- here is your comfort bedrock duo that is extremely late, i will indeed let you know about whats gonna happen at the end. ENJOY!!


Growing up in a fighting ring meant that he didn't have a name, only a title, and didn't know what normal people did or how to feel emotions like normal people. He learned how to feel happy when he was 16. A year after his new brother saved him from the fighting ring.

In all honesty, Tommy did it by accident. He didn't mean to bust a fighting ring, he just was curious about the badly covered hole in the wall. Like, the top of the hole was poking out above the trash bin. Including the fact that he had nothing to lose (in his mind) because his parents were dead and he was just barely scraping by. What he expected was to be killed or mauled badly. Instead, he ended up walking out of there with new powers and a brand new grade-A, 15-year-old, brother who called him mommy.

The first time Techno felt happiness was when "Mommy" saved enough money to get him a stuffed animal when he was 16, a year after techno got out of the fighting ring. It was also the first time Techno cried, although they were happy tears. The first time he cried sad tears was when he was 23 and his now 18-year-old brother, "Mommy", was taken by the infamous forest crew (Callahan, Hannah, and XD, who are all Dreams (a villain) siblings. They're all vigilantes who deal with petty crimes and wanted to see who the Tommy that Dream kept talking about was). Although, before we get into that we need to see what techno has been doing for the past 8 years.

In year one of the escape, blade still only responded to blade or Blood god. That was something Tommy wanted to change desperately so that year was spent trying to get Blade to respond to something other than Blood god or Blade. In June, Blade mostly stopped responding to Blood god, but still kept on responding only to Blade. Finally, at the end of the year, Blade only responded to Blade. It wasn't ideal but it was better than no progress for Tommy. Tommy also tried to get Blade into calling him "Tommy" rather than "Mommy" and was failing spectacularly. He thinks Blade isn't trying to get his name right on purpose (Blade is).

In year two of the escape, Blade got really into tech. Things like hacking, creating, using Redstone, those kinds of things. That's when Tommy proposed the idea of him using the name, Techno-like technology. Blade was still attached to his name, Blade, though, and didn't want to give it up as it was earned. That's when Tommy proposed a second idea, of adding blade to the name and using Techno as a nickname. Thus, Technoblade was born, with the nickname Techno. It was also the year when Techno got his red sheep plush, called Blood god. He sits atop Techno's shelf above his bed and it always will for Techno. To him, it's a reminder that the blood god is a separate being from him. At this point, Tommy got used to being called "Mommy" and has given up on trying to get Techno into calling him, Tommy.

In year three, the most that happened was that Techno started going to the cafe where Tommy worked. The cafe was run by a lovely lady who goes by the name of Niki and the cafe was called Kräutercafé, German for Herbal cafe as they used herbs (healing and calming) in most of their drinks and in their savory snacks. Nothing much happened that year, although Techno and Tommy had gotten into star gazing whenever possible.

Year four of being an illegal fighting ring escapee, and Techno was doing great in his opinion. He was getting fewer flashbacks, better at hacking and twisting his words, spending more time with Tommy, and even figured out how to say Tommy's name! Although he still calls him mommy. Techno had also gotten a twitter that year and called it his "place for the chat". Tommy had no clue what that meant.

In year five of being with his brother, Tommy, Techno was very confused. Like, was spaghetti supposed to be in the cake, and why did Tommy's friend Ranboo recommend doing so?

Come year six of being a big brother to a chaotic little shit, Technos come to learn a couple of things. One, don't listen to his friend Ranboos cooking 'hacks'. Ever. It won't end well. Two, following up on number one, Ranboo can't cook anything other than spaghetti, and Tubbo was no better. The only thing the boy could make was a nuke, with cake batter, somehow. None of Techno's business though. Three, sad dog movies are very very sad and will no matter who you are, force tears out of your eyes. Four, Techno was going to work at the heroes' tower as an intern for the top two heroes under the name of Techno Innit Blade (he quite liked the name and so did the chatters). He didn't really talk to the two heroes much because no matter how many times Tommy told him to socialize and not mentally socially distance himself from people, he would continue to mentally socially distance himself from anyone and refuse to say anything other than a couple of words at a time.

Finally, the final year to look back upon is year seven. Techno has finally opened up a tiny bit to the heroes and has daily conversations with them. Whether it be about Tommy's vigilante friends or his villain friends (that the heroes don't know about), or even what they were craving at the moment. Techno quickly became an essential member of the siren duo (siren duo bc two greek depictions of a siren are a man with a bird's body [Phil] and a merperson who has charm speak [Wilbur]). Techno actually started to enjoy hanging out with them and loved hanging out with Tommy when he got back home afterward. He was living his best life. It was the best outcome he had ever thought to be possible. He had always wanted to escape, it was quite literally one of his dreams. He would have never thought it to be possible though. No matter how much he wanted it, he thought it would always be a dream forever unfulfilled. He's glad he has Tommy. Well, he had. As in the past tense. Tommy's with the forest crew right now, which is why Techno is currently freaking out and prepping his weapons preparing for the worst.

Meanwhile, the siren duo is freaking out for a completely different reason. Their favorite employee had taken sick leave despite him telling them that he physically couldn't get sick no matter what. They had also gotten an anonymous tip about someone's friend being kidnapped by the Forest crew, so they had to save them while worrying about their favorite employee. All they knew was that the kid was snatched up randomly, is blond, and says a lot of swears. Not to mention the fact the forest crew doesn't normally snatch up children from the side of the road, they're known for petty crimes specifically meant to annoy the heroes.


alrighty, so, i have gone through 3 break ups,a leave of the friend groups, major mental health issues, a minor personality change, and a minor fandom change. Unfortunately, i will be discontinuing this story, and any mostly finished one shots will get posted. please feel free to take inspiration from my one shots and/or finish off the stories (including this one if you wish). I will be taking a very large break as a writer until i get my life in check as i had to change schools at the beginning of quarantine and will be doing so again next year. I may post again although i am not sure what.

ADDITIONALLY, i am heavily single, and as a (probable) lesbian, i would like a girlfriend. So, if you would like to try ur hand at possibly becoming my gf leave your applications in the comments! i will not respond to any for anywhere to a week to two weeks depending on how much applications that come along (which honestly, probably wont be many. however, i have become desperate). i do have a couple rules though!

You have to either be 13, 14, or 15.
have to be either they/them, they/she, or she/her (or gender-fluid) as i have no interest in dating men atm.
either have discord or snapchat so that i can talk to you without too much personal information being shared.

Tall, like, 5'6 and up. or short like 5'0 to 5'4. im around 5'5 ish
human. i will accept aliens however i would prefer if ur human.
ur free often. i have major insecurities about not getting a response bc of past relationships :p

alr, thats all i can think about feel free to ignore this tho. HAVE A GOOD DAYYYY!!!1!1!!1!!1!1!1!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2023 ⏰

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