Modified hog hunt

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(This is modified, as the title says, and I changed it to 4 cannon lives. Tubbo had 3 in the beginning, Quackity had 3, Techno had 2, and Tommy had 2 though most think he has 1, and Wilbur also has 1 but acts like Ghostbur to stay safe per request of Tommy)

Tommy was generally good with a bow and arrow. He was also that one person who would protect family no matter who he has to kill or hurt to keep them safe. That's why Tommy frequently leaves exile to make sure his brothers are safe; so when he got word of the hog hunt happening it was safe to say Tommy was mad. Though the area was far from safe.

'Dear, Tommy.
I hate to say this, but uncle Tech is in danger. As much as I want to deny it, Quackity and Tubbo are going to his house and plan to bring him to L'manburg only to execute him. Can you help him? I don't want to see my uncle die, I can't bear another relative dead. I cried when Will died, and he was more of a crazy uncle then a father, so please. Keep him away from L'manburg.
-Your nephew/son, Fundy

Tommy and Fundy sent letters frequently. Normally it would be all the drama (Tea) happening in L'manburg. Sure he only really paid attention to the ones that had Techno involved, yeah that's it. He only pays attention to the ones that involve Techno. Anyways, we need to see what's happening right now.

"STOP!! Stop."

"You get away from that horse, Quackity!!"

"Technoblade, drop everything. Or I'm going to kill this horse right in front of you."

"Are you"

A deep voice stated. If it was anyone else, Quackity would think it's a question, but it's not anyone else.

"W-who are you?!"

"Step away from the horse, now, Quackity. I won't say it again."


"You will? I don't think so,"

And with the last word, the person with a deep voice shot an arrow at quackity's sword arm which resulted in Quackity dropping his sword.

"BIG Q!!"

Techno took the time, in which the two were distracted, to rain his horse away from the fight.

Quackity has been slain by +0mm¥|ńńįT:p trying to take Technoblade out of retirement (2 cannon lives left)

Tubbo_ was slain by +0mm¥|ńńįT:p trying to take Technoblade out of retirement (2 cannon lives left)

"Thank you,"

"Your welcome Technoblade"

Right now Tommy has an enchanted bow, a voice changing mask, and a hood. His bow has unbreaking III and looting II (Unbreaking 3, Looting 2) while his arrows are covered in a weakness potion.

"Though, I do have two questions."

"And they are?"

"Well 1, who are you? And 2, why did you save me and Carl?"

"Why wouldn't I save my brother"

Tommy asked while taking off his voice changing mask and hood.

"Oh, but how did you know?" -Technoblade

"Fundy. While Wilbur was busy going crazy I had to take care of Fundy so he sees me as his dad. Because of that we send letters a lot. He informed me that the two had come to bring you out of retirement and execute you. Luckily I come by often and they were quite easy to kill. Oh! Right, that's what I forgot. I have to get Phil out of home arrest. I'll be right back." -Tommy


This was just a small idea that went through my mind. I have many head cannons, so the fact I have a new one isn't surprising.


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