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Tommy was one of the two humans that were sent to the Devildom. The only thing Tommy requested was that he could bring his devices. They let him and over time started treating him as their younger brother. They all loved his small rants about Minecraft at the dinner table though they had no clue what Minecraft was. Though, he realized the only hard things were telling his friends he was leaving Britain (where does this kid live?? Not asking in a creepy way) and going somewhere so he can't meet them irl and telling his stream that he was away from the house for a year or two. Well, let's take a look at a couple streams I find funny.

——The Beel Incident——







   ".....No Mammon...."

"Come on, please?"

   "No, fuck off Mammon. I ain't giving you shit!! Up Up Up, say something and I tell Luci,"

"Okay. Bye Tommy, I'm not scared, but bye."

   "Bye Mammon."


————The Crash————


   "Tommy are you alright?"


"Okay, they should be quiet now 😊."

".....Tommy what the fuck..?"

"It's the names isn't it?"


———Fucking Solomon———

"Oohhhh~~ Tommyyyy~~~"

".....No Solomon......Fuck off with your shady ass..."


A year has passed, life for Tommy is great. He's been streaming like normal, until Diavolo decided that they would share the existence of the Devildom. In order to get the existence across the world they were going to live stream it to the entire world. Tommy obviously was nervous because, not only has he never been world wide, but it would show his fans and haters that he was in a house with demons for a year. Literal demons.

   "Uhhh....Tubbooooo..." -Tom

"Yes Tommy?" -Tub

     "Raaanbbooooo...." -Tom

  "Yesicles Tomathy??" -Ran

     "Sooo... you know how I said I was chosen to go to the Devildom with real demons..?" -Tom

  "Yeah, what 'bout it??" -Tub

    "Of course, you gave us the tea that was going on." -Ran

  "Because of that, I have to make a whole ass speech about it. And it's going to be world wide. In front of everyone. The SMP said they were going to watch.. I'm gonna be on stage.. what do I do???" -Tom

"Uhhhh.....idk, I wouldn't be able to do anything and would bail last second." -Tub

"Honestly, because no one knows what I look like without the accessories, I would be fine." -Ran

"But everyone knows me!! I made the speech already (No I didn't, I need to make that for this one shot. Edit, I'm gonna wing it), and I don't know if I want to say it anymore." -Tom

"Why not say it to us, and have us judge it." -Tub

"Good idea Tubbo," -Ran

"Okay, -'));-&-&>_|4|4|^~5[]_{&6*)'vmxhtxhxdfx-$&(-%(%344_~¥_6^\_54-x-dhdx$trxh4|¥$dch-&TdxdtCtd4|5xr+*&¥|hxdfxcfbh=('=^k**^VCJBC+&)cfF_~_n;&d(_&[[ l" -Tom

"..." -Tub

"...." -Ran

"W- was it that bad..?" -Tom


"YESICLES, AMAZING, ONCORE!! Wonderful, now why are you worrying? It's wonderful." -Ran

"Thanks, well. Now I have 5 hours.. I'm gonna stream, wanna join? We could stream for 2 or 3 hours and when we end it we could tell them to watch the news at (insert time)." -Tom

"Alright," -Tub

"Yokay!" -Ran

———Big moment time———
—I wrote this on paper, wtf?—
  —— I feel the power ——
    —but I also hate it—
—I gave up and lost paper—

As Solomon finishes his speech, and walks off the stage hosting everything publicly, Diavolo walks up onto stage to recite his second to last speech of the night.

"Hello humans."
   Diavolo started with a smile,
"It is truly a pleasure to be here. After a year and a half, I have come to the conclusion that you humans are worthy of the knowledge about the Devildom. Although, I did have the influence of a certain human who has become a lot of demons favorite very quickly. Not only has he become the favorite, but he had made a pact with me and the demon brothers. We were the ones that brought up the ideas of forming a pact. Our human was against it at first, though overtime he became comfortable with the idea and formed a pact with us. Because of his kindness, he decided to never use out power for his own gain, and he still hasn't. Sure, he has a, bad- human, language- of- sorts-? But he is a true sweetheart. Well, enough from me for now. Welcome, our favorite human!"

    Diavolo exclaimed as he walked off the stage while clapping. Diavolo walked towards Tommy and gave him a hug, silently telling him good luck.

" *Deep breath* "

(I'm tired, what am I doing?)

-real part-

     "Hello humans of the earth. First of all, remember to pray to Queen Lizzy, thank everything holy she is single. Second of all, I love the demon brothers no matter how much I hate them at the same time. Third of all, sub with prime at TommyInnit on YouTube and Twitch as well as Tubbo and Ranboo! Fourth of all, SUCK IT GREEN BOYYYYYYYY!!! Fifth of all, I'm really tired but at the same time rich with a lot of black mail on many demons. Most demons don't know I do. I don't even know most of them that well in the first place. Anyways, humans. Just thought I'd let you know, none of the demons know about memes or vines so we. are. at. an. advantage."

957 words, i gave up XD

TommyInnit oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now