Fatherinnit (reader insert)

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My AU. You can change your name at 16, given you have no parents. :D
     I also have no clue how Twitch works, I'm working with what I know. Deal with it

"Come on darling, you know we don't have all day."

You might be wondering what is going on. Tommy is trying to get his younger sibling to school again. Of course, Tommy is only 17 so he isn't a father, but that doesn't stop (Y/N) call begin dada or bubba. (Y/N) is 5, and is raised by their older brother, Tommy, because their parents are always on 'trips'. They always left money and food, but this time they left more money. Tommy was confused until he picked up a note saying,

     'Dear Tommy,
I'm sorry but me and your father must leave. We have decided that we will be moving to New York. Your father is tired of your yelling, and no mater how many times I tell you, you won't keep that other child quiet. You can change your last name, I don't care. If we meet in the future, we don't know each other. Good bye.
                                        -Kathryn and Russel Simons

After reading that note, Tommy knew he had to take care of (Y/N) by himself. More so then already. The first thing Tommy then did, was change his last name. He and (Y/N) went from 'Tommy and (Y/N) Simons' to 'Tommy and (Y/N) Innit'. The reason he chose 'Innit' for a last name is because that was his online characters last name. He thought it would be nice to relate with his character more.

Because Tommy played Minecraft in his free time, he often played with (Y/N) on his lap. (Y/N) got good at Minecraft despite being 5. While being 5 and all, their role model was their big brother Tommy Innit and they wanted to be just like him so she started streaming. Their channel name was 'GoldFox' because foxes were always their favorite animals and their golden blond hair was one of Their favorite traits. People watched (Y/N) because their voice was cute and they were good at Minecraft. Admittedly, they were five, so they could only do so much.

It's now after school, and (Y/N) is streaming.

"Hello my wittle foxies! (Y/N) is back from school with nuggies! Today we're going to play bedwars, because I watched dada's friends play and I wanna try!! Let's goo!"

That's how it started, and it ended with (Y/N) sneaking around breaking beds and killing players with their bed still intact. Of course, they had no idea that Dream was streaming and playing against them.

"Oki foxies, we have one more person. Lime green, I will kill you."

True to their word, (Y/N) did kill Dream. The screen said,

'TheGoldenFox' killed 'DreamWasTaken', congratulations 'TheGoldenFox'

"Awooga, I won! You see that chat, I am good! I might be 5, but don't underestimate me!"

(Y/N) looked at he clock and said,

"Hmm, welp! It's 6:37 for me, I'm going to get Bubba to make me diner. Bye bye my wittle foxies!!"

(Y/N) proceeded to end their stream and run to Tommy's door. They knocked and when Tommy opened the door (Y/N) asked, "Can we have dinner!?"

"Yeah, sure buddy. What do you want?" -Tommy

"Uuhhhh.... I don't know? You choose!" -(Y/N)

"Okay, were having spaghetti tonight." -Tommy

"YAY!!" -(Y/N)


"Hah?" -(Y/N)

"That's my computer darling, one of my friends posted something on our discord group." -Tommy

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