Birthday special

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1 - I can't spell, deal with it
2 - it's my wiffu/kniffu's birthday so this is for them
3 - I shall dub thy, Brotherly Bonding
4 - I'm better than you, and this was rushed a bit.
5 - enjoy losers, minus you darling if you see this. Your wonderful, love you


    Dream was running. Quackity had decided that today was a great day to poke Dream with a sword very aggressively. In other words, Quackity wanted to kill Dream and tried to today. Dream was lucky he made it out when he did, but he still suffered some injuries due to the aggressive pokes with a sword. If he made it out alive he would have a couple new scars adorning his face and a lot of scars on his torso. Holding onto his side that was bleeding profusely, Dream ran out of L'manburg as fast as he could. When running he was thinking of places he could stay. He couldn't stay with George, George hadn't forgiven him for over punishing Tommy, he couldn't stay with Techno, he already used his favor, he couldn't stay with Ranboo or Tubbo, they hated him even if Ranboo forgot things often, he couldn't stay with Phil, Phil stopped liking him after he killed Wilbur, saying it was Dreams fault he had to kill him. By the time his thoughts had listed off all the people he couldn't go to, he was already delirious from blood loss so he had forgotten some people. While running, he hadn't noticed he had reached the bottom of a mountain. Thinking he had gotten far enough, and having the adrenaline fade away, Dream let his body rest upon the rocky floor and used a large boulder to hold himself upwards. Dream cautiously lifted his hand from his wound located on his left side. When he looked down at it he paled quickly. Not only was it deep, but it was bleeding quickly. It didn't help that he was also losing blood from an open wound on his forehead causing blood to drip into his right eye. He quickly became light headed and passed out after covering his side with his hand again.

  /:=Baby Bee's POV=:\
Location - following Tommy

       Tommy was walking out of L'manburg. He officially was done with L'manburg. Not only were most of the residents trying to kill him, but his son was also in danger. When news about a spider hybrid named Shroud belonging to Tommy got out, people wanted to take the spider hybrid and blackmail Tommy into actually dying then somehow cheating death. There were many reasons he cheated death. One might be he knew death personally, another might be his relationship with death. He and death were close friends, borderline father and son considering death was millions of years older then him. He was also done with L'manburg because of Tubbo and Ranboo. He understood Ranboo, with his memory issues and him forgetting things. What he didn't understand, was Tubbo not talking to him and that when they spoke together, it was normally a short conversation. He also never understood why they 'cared' about Micheal. Until he met the little one. His brothers friend had taught him piglin, thinking it would help him in the future, and it did. Apparently, Tubbo and Ranboo often forgot to feed Micheal and sometimes forgot he was there. When Tommy finally decided to leave L'manburg, he also decided to to take Micheal with him. Tommy had walked out of L'manburg carrying a baby zombie piglin in his arms and a baby spider hybrid sitting in his hair. What no one but death knew, was that Tommy had a house outside of L'manburg. It was well hidden and needed DNA recognization to get in meaning only him and his brother could get in, but he would later change it so his newly found kids could also get in. When he arrived to his house, he admired it whole heartedly. From the top to bottom. He had hollowed a mountain and taken home inside. When his eyes met the bottom of his mountain house, he wasn't expecting someone at the bottom bleeding out. Tommy immediately put Micheal on his shoulders and had him clasp onto him hair then ran to the person bleeding out. When he reached to person, he noticed it was Dream. He wasted no time in picking him up and bringing him in. Tommy quickly ran to his med-bay and placed Dream down on one of the beds, after placing Dream down he was quick to place the kids down. He put a sheet over the kids so they wouldn't have to see Dreams bloody wounds getting wrapped up. Tommy wrapped up Dream so he wouldn't bleed out, and was happy he got there when he did. After stabilizing Dream, Tommy picked up his kids and brought them into the living room so they could entertain themselves while he made food.

     -three hours later-
+Narrator Ace's POV+
  /Location - Med-Bay\

   Tommy had put the kids to sleep and was walking in the med-bay with some food and clothes for Dream whenever he woke up. Tommy wasn't expecting Dream to be awake when he got there, but here he was, sitting up looking confused. He was confused because he hadn't expected anyone to take him in, much less Tommy to take him in. He thought Tommy hated him! Apparently not. Tommy had walked it and placed his food down with his clothing and proceeded to ask if he was okay and if anything hurt. Dream had said nothing hurt as the bandages had a healing potion infused in them. Tommy walked up to Dream and Dream was expecting a slap or something, he wasn't expecting a hug. The last thing he expected was a hug. Tommy walked up to him, hugged him, and whispered,

   "I'll keep you safe brother, no one can hurt you or Nightmare. You're both my brothers and I love you both."


  1000 words —|_

     Happy birthday my platonic wiffu/kniffu, I love you! If you are new to my books, or just arrived and liked it, make sure to leave a comment, vote, or maybe even follow! If you wanna see my platonic lovers books their user is DreamyzRaccoons hope you enjoyed!

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