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Techno used to play violin after Tommy had a nightmare, it would always calm him down. Overtime Techno stopped playing. Weather it be because he was a piglin hybrid and they liked gold more, or he just lost interest, Tommy still wanted to learn. Tommy was always inspired by Techno and wanted to be just like him. So Tommy rebelled against the government, yelled at Dream, and managed to stay alive in the hardest situations muttering a small 'Theasus never dies' because he loves the nickname Techno gave him when he was younger. Most of the time, Tommy's dreams were full of him watching Techno play the violin again, or him hunting with Techno, anything good to do with Techno really. That's why he wasn't fully sad about being exiled, he had more private time to practice violin and it was closer to where Techno lived. However tonight was different. Tommy had a nightmare in his new house he made that was somewhat close to Techno's house but still hidden. Tommy ran away from exile because Techno didn't like Dream and Dream was Techno's enemy, therefore Tommy's enemy. Tommy had mastered the violin during exile and would play it after a nightmare to the lyrics of Way Back Home as a silent message he would find a way back home no matter what. Tommy's nightmare just so happened to be one of the worse ones in which he almost had a breakdown. It was about Techno telling Tommy that he was disappointed in him and hated him, and right after he finished speaking someone shot him in the heart. Techno's final words were 'I hate you' to Tommy as he died in Tommy's arms. That's when Tommy shot up in his bed scaring his 5 artic foxes, 7 wolves, and 3 polar bears in the process. Tommy was going to play his violin to calm himself down unaware of what was happening.

   -/5 minutes before Tommy played the violin\-

  "BIG Q!!"


     "Step away from that horse Quackity, I swear to Theasus!"

  "Drop everything Techno, or I'm- where is that sound coming from?"

Tommy was naturally good with animals, so much that most mobs didn't attack at him all. That's why Carl ran towards the noise, as Carl knew he would be safe. Tommy had magic, animal magic. When he felt a certain emotion his magic was strengthened and he was able to protect any animal who fell under his violin spell no matter how far they are.

Techno ran off to get his horse while Tubbo and Quackity chased him. They were so close but this mystery person stopped them from getting what they wanted, Techno's dead body. When they arrived to the destination, no one was expecting Tommy to be the one playing the violin. When Tommy was done he had tears slowly falling from his eyes, guided by previous tear stains. All Tommy had the energy to say/mumble was a small, "I wonder if Techno would be proud.. who am I kidding, I betrayed the government for him and love him more than anything, of course I did. Heh, this ego is tiring and you chat, you aren't helping too much."


Just loved the head cannon that Tommy can and does play violin in remembrance of Technoblade.


-May 24, 2021-

TommyInnit oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now