Bedrock Bros || Techno's prison arc

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"You know what Dream?"

    Yes, Techno is in a cell with Dream. He knows some of what Dream did to Tommy during exile, and saw the notification of Tommy's death, and heard of his revival, then met Wilburs revived form. Techno was concerned for the slightly older brother, praising Dream as if a god, practically singing complements, helping Dream become egotistical. However, no matter how much Tommy betrays him, Techno needs to know why Tommy joined Tubbo after Dream joined his own side.

   "What did you do to Tommy in exile, and why did he die in your hand..?"

  Dream went into a detailed rant about how he manipulated Tommy into trusting him, making him mildly scared of TNT/explosives, causing purposeful panic attacks then helping him, hitting him but making it sound like he deserved it, making Tommy believe hate and violence is a sign of love, forcing Tommy into tiny spaces, then going into massive detail about how he killed Tommy and proceed to braid his hair then revive him. Techno was mortified and instantly understood why Tommy did what he did. He went to the only place he could feel safe. All Techno could do now was hope he was getting better and had friends around him helping him. No matter what, Tommy was Techno's brother, and they loved each other whether one wanted to or not. What he didn't know, was Tommy was anything but close to friends..

    *(Tommy's POV)*

I'm on my way to Techno's house. I wanna make up with him, maybe he will accept my golden apples!

   "Hello Steve, nice to see you buddy!"


  As you can see, (not really) Steve likes me! Once, Dream came by while Techno was out getting wood or something. I was alone and scared, what if he had found me!? Luckily I was hanging out with Steve while we both were tired. Somehow, he sensed my fear when I saw Dream and grabbed me, cuddling me into his chest. I was about to try and get out when he turned over so anyone on the outside couldn't see me. After a little less then five minutes I had fallen asleep. Techno had come home to the sight of Dream walking away so he immediately ran in as subtly as possible looking for me, when he finally checked outside he saw Steve on his side basically deadpanning him holding a sleeping but otherwise perfectly fine, me! Techno had never been so relieved, so I'm told. I have now brought a whole half stack of golden apples for him, a brand new netherite Axe named [A Brothers Peace] and a brand new hand made cape

 I have now brought a whole half stack of golden apples for him, a brand new netherite Axe named [A Brothers Peace] and a brand new hand made cape

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"Hey Steve, is Techno here?"


"Has he been home?"


"Huh? Okay.. here, take some fish. I gotta go, I might come back. See you soon Steve.."

   ~...Third person...~

Tommy immediately ran to his dirt home/shack and looked into his chests. He had made a backup pick axe and sword in case Techno didn't accept the Axe for whatever reason. He named the pick axe [Mine to Peace] while the sword was called [Peace maker]. After he found [Mine to Peace] he ran out of his house/shack to Phil's house, sneaking in with the help of an invisibility potion. When he got in undetected he searched chests for his compass that leads to Techno directly, Tommy knew he had it because Phil always wanted to know where his sons were. When Tommy found it, he grabbed it and rushed out. While still being invisible, he rushed to the prison. Quickly, he found the cell Techno was in. Mainly because while he was a soul wondering the SMP he studied every part of the SMP and kept the egg as compressed as he could. When he got to the prison he quickly took out the security alarms on the side of the wall he was on. He quickly mined a small hole and looked in. He saw Techno sitting next the the newly made hole, and Dream laying on his side facing the other wall. Tommy quietly made the hole bigger till he had destroyed the entire block. Tommy immediately stuck his hand in tapping Techno's nose whispering "wake up, Tech, wake up.."  Techno slowly opened his eyes and almost yelled in surprise at seeing Tommy's head and arm threw the hole but refrained from doing so after Tommy put his hand on Techno's mouth. Tommy opened his mouth and whispered "Come on Tech, I have gapples for you, and I promised Steve I'd bring you back. Now, I need you to be my diversion in case anyone comes."  Quickly, Techno moved to cover Tommy while Tommy broke the second block. After he broke the second block he quickly whispered to Techno to get out. Techno slowly walked out backwards and when he was fully out with the revive book Tommy quickly replaced the obsidian and dragged Techno to shore. He splashed an invisibility splash potion on him and Techno them ran back and put the security back on. Before he and Techno left, Tommy set of a couple sets of TNT in the ocean to make sure Dream would stay in. Tommy turned around, grabbed Techno's invisible hand, and ran off to Techno's house. By the time they got there, the invisibility had worn off and Tommy had gone to Steve immediately,

   "Hello baby, I brought Tech back! See,"

Techno walked up to Steve and Steve head butted Techno's hand in appreciation of his owner being back then climbed on Tommy and licked his face all the while Tommy was laughing. When Steve was done licking Tommy he stood up and handed Techno the 32 gapples and the axe [A Brothers Peace]. Techno grabbed Tommy's hand and dragged him in, when they were in his house Techno shoved everything in a chest and hugging Tommy. Before they went to cuddle and drink hot chocolate while watching 'UP!' He whispered, "I got the revive book, Dream no longer has the power. I'll give it to you after the night. Always remember, if you need anything come to me. I'll be your brother whether you like it or not, and I'll do anything for you. Keep that in mind my little strawberry,"


Aww, cute. I love it! Unknown fact about me, I can't stand watching things with my eyes. I'd prefer to watch it with my ears if that makes sense and I don't like lore streams. I like the concept but not the actual thing. In order for me to do any possible requests I'll need the story line.

-4:02 PM, Friday, 2021-

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