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Minor Trigger!! PTSD

     (I don't fully understand PTSD so I won't add a lot of PTSD parts but I'm using google to help me out. Sorry if I get anything wrong, tell me in the comments if you want me to change it. And they do have an inventory like Minecraft, 36 squares in total)

   Basic rundown, Tommy died by the hands of Dream in a tiny obsidian box after only eating potatoes. The only thing he saw when he died was green, and black. His head was bleeding, and I'm pretty sure it would have cracked his skull open. Tommy has mild PTSD when seeing a potato, because of the prison food, and sees the color green as a sign of danger and thinks green means unsafe. He moves away from green, and later meets pink and yellow, yellow has green on them though. How does Tommy deal with it?

Might have more parts because I got off track

   (Tommy's P.O.V.)

'I- I can't breath..?! What's going on!?!'

    (Third person)

Tommy was revived two days ago, Sam came and took him out the second he knew Tommy was alive. Tommy had to keep his eyes closed the entire way back to his house because Sam was green and the walls were black. Tommy woke up on the second day (this paragraph) and saw the stem of a flower. The mere sight of a green stem had put him in a state of panic so he opted to looking at the dark brown walls of his house that was made of dirt. He calmed himself down and slowly lifted his hand to the flower and threw it under his bed. He quickly looked around the house for anything else green and saw nothing but his bandana. He couldn't stand looking at it and decided to throw that under his bed as well. Tommy looked at his 'My Tubbo' compass waiting for it to move. Tommy realized that his compass was slower at showing where Tubbo was and put the puzzle pieces together. Tubbo's compas was broken and Tubbo rarely carried it around. Ghostbur might not have known, but the compas doesn't point at a person when one is broken. Rather at the other compass. Tommy saw his compas move a tiny bit and sighed, Tubbo was alive. Tommy looked out the window in his door and his eyes widened...The entire outside was green, well, not the prime path but you get what I mean. Tommy decided that he couldn't stay. He had to get away from green.

   A couple days before he went to the prison he had cut down a lot of spruce trees and changed his grass floors to spruce wood floors. Over his exile time Tommy had gotten better at building and started reading. Tommy realized everyone's house had a little bit of green and that he couldn't stay at his own house wether or not his floor wasn't green. He had to get out of L'manburg.

   Tommy started thinking..

   'I could go to Techno's house! No, I can't.. he hates me and would kill me.. is that really a bad thing? Nevermind! If I can't stay at Techno's or at L'manburg.. I'll leave L'manburg and live in a mountain!'

   That's what he did. He packed all 9 stacks of spruce wood, 4 stacks of glass, 3 stacks of steak, 2 stacks of golden apples, 4 furnaces (takes up one slot), an enchanting table, an anvil, Full netherite armor (All enchanted with unbreaking thorns and mending), and an enchanted sword, axe, pickaxe, as well as two totems of undying. Along with a couple pistons and red stone. He looked like he had nothing though as he hid everything. Tommy quickly hid his compass under his bed and ran. He ran till he almost tripped on the prime path. Obviously, he had a stupid smile on his face to not seem suspicious, but got to the prime path. Wait, did I forget to mention his injuries?

   Tommy had his head bashed in and has an open wound on his forehead. It doesn't bleed unless Tommy takes the white bandana and bandages off. Sapnap gave Tommy one of his white bandanas when their friendship was still good and Tommy treasured it over the years, keeping it in his ender chest. He never had a reason to use it till now. He changes the bandage around his head every so often. Sometimes it's once a day, others it's twice a day. Then he wraps Sapnaps bandana around it.

   Back to the topic! Tommy went towards Techno's house and walked to the left and went around. After he walked around he continued till he found a hill. He walked around the mountain and decided to make his house there. He used red stone and somehow coded it so that only people that know the code can get in. Most people would think it's something like 'BitchBoyDream' or 'POG' or even 'Tubbo'. Their all wrong of course. The real password was 'HenryAndWilbur'. Two of his most favorite people/animals. He grew up with Henry the cow, and told him everything. Tommy trusted Henry with everything till Henry died. Wilbur had practically raised Tommy, and was the only one knew that Tommy was a phantom hybrid. Which is the reason why Tommy can't sleep or function when he's gotten any sleep. Back to the topic again, Tommy had already made the door and was currently mining a space for his enchanting room. While mining he found the end portal. He quickly blocked it off as if he never saw it and called his friend.

   "Hey, XD?"

"Yes TommyInnit?"

     "Can I ask a favor?"

"Yes, what is it TommyInnit?"

      "I found the end portal, it's green...Can you change it XD?"

"Yes, of course. Do you have a color in mind? And would you like your own that you can travel in at anytime that only you can enter, TommyInnit?"

       "Oh yes please! And what about purple and red? You always said the dragon had purple eyes and liked the color purple. And I just like the color red. Thanks XD!!"

"It's truly no problem TommyInnit,"

       "Still, thank you, XD. But please, call me Innit."

"Call me Ex than little one."

       "Whatever you weird god,"

  Believe it or not, Dream and DreamXD are different people. Dream is a green man, while Exdee prefers cyan or purple (like dreams skin, but cyan and purple with bright but also soft yellow wings). Exdee, Tommy, and Wilbur all grew up together. Exdee acts like a mom to Tommy, and Wilbur acted like a dad to him. Did you know they were in a relationship? So no, Wilbur isn't dead. Wilbur is just playing the role of Ghostbur.

   Overtime, Tommy had traveled to the end multiple time and collected a lot of end stone. While there, Tommy met the ender dragon and made friends with her. At first she dint have a name, so Tommy gave her a name! Her name is Clementine.

-1175 words :) -

A/N, sorry for not posting school has been more of an ass kicker but like, I have friends now 👍🏼👍🏼 sorta- also, dad, if you're reading this, pls stop reading my books. You're like 40+ and my target audience is like, lower than that- I don't mean to be rude but like-

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