Adoption center

753 31 0


Genre - MCYT, SMP

Source - YouTube, Twitch

Main character - Tommy, Ace Hearts (OC)

Warning - none

Picture - none

Yes. Tommy was living in an adoption center. When he streams he is in his friends house. His friend Ace Hearts was 25 and helped him grow. You might be asking 'Why didn't he adopt Tommy?' Well, reread the first sentence and tell me if it said he was in the adoption center in the past tense or current tense. (It's past tense) So tell me, where is Tommy living?

Tomathy Simons is no longer Tomathy Simons. He is now Tomathy Hearts. Of course his friends don't know. Well, till this happened...


"....." -Tomathy HEARTS

"Tomathy Simmons, answer me now or get your parents on the call so I know what's going on," -Ph1LzA

"Hm? Oh! Your talking to me, okay. DAD!! AN OLD MAN WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!!" -Tomathy Hearts

Ace Hearts climbed up the ladder from their basement where he was working and climbed up the stairs in the house. Ace was a wealthy young man who made wooden sculptures, clay sculptures, all types of sculptures with lots of detail. He and Tommy were very similar. Both had no parents. Tommy's parents didn't want a kid with a loud mouth while Ace's parents died in a car crash that left him with a scar on his left eye and left him their money that they got from selling wooden sculptures. Ace didn't like the scar he got from the car accident and didn't want people to know he was blind in that eye so he covered it with bandages. Ace had platinum blond hair like the Malfoys and a bright green eye. He was fit and was 6'8 in hight. A bit tall for a 25 year old but, whatever. When he walked in it was safe to say they were surprised. They definitely weren't expecting a man with no shirt on to walk in saying, "Tomathy fucking Hearts, if this isn't very fucking important I will have you make the next ten orders of sculptures. What do you need?"

"Like I said dad, an old man want to talk to you." -Tommy

"Well, what does he want..? Please don't tell me one of the customers found your number and asked for another sculpture that I can't make.." -Ace

"No, it's one of my friends, he is 32. Were in a Discord call with Wilbur Soot and he is 24, a year younger than you. Philza is the 32 year old, call him Phil." -Tommy

"Ah, alright. What is it that this Philza person wants because I am quite busy." -Ace

  "Doing what dad? You have all the sculptures you need for two weeks so you have nothing to do, judging from what you look like right now you just finished your work out and we're going to take a shower. Your attitude shows that you are pissed that you are still sweating and have to talk to someone before taking a showers in which you blast your violin covers. Right, we haven't done a violin cover to Wellerman the sea shanty yet." -Tommy

  "Your not fully wrong, but I was going to make you a salad before I went to shower. I still have to cut the fruits. Tell that Phiza person to talk to me another time I'm busy, enjoy your stream buddy." -Ace

"Well Phil, the man spoke. Your gonna need to talk to him another time." -Tommy


  Just felt like it, idk. Was in one of my drafts innocently sitting there and I wanted to finish it.


-May 8, 2021-

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