Allium duo

691 26 11

"Incoming call from 'Эндер Бэби' would you like to answer 'Король красный'?"

"Answer in 3 minutes Раб,"

"Yes Король красный,"

"Well chat, big man has things to do, and people to talk to. See you all next stream!!"

With those words Tommy ends stream and and goes to his phone with worry in his eyes. In Russian, 'Эндер Бэби' means Ender Baby which is code to Ranboo. Tommy and Ranboo were closer then others saw or knew, they were like best friends yet somehow closer. Oh, I know! They were like brothers! They had a lot in common, it was just that one knew more than the other. Despite Tommy being younger then everyone on the SMP, he probably had more real life knowledge than anyone there. Not only had he have people die in his life, but he had people who helped him grow. In the dying wish of his mother, Tommy vowed to help at least one person as much as he could. He started fulfilling the vow once he had met Ranboo. When he first met Ranboo, the boy was a mess. He could barely talk without tripping on his words, he was anxious about everything, and refused eye contact. At first, Tommy was confused as to why he wouldn't look in his eyes but found the answer after two months of knowing him. Ranboo had multicolored eyes. One was a deep red going orange color, while the other was a majestical green slightly grey color. When Ranboo let Tommy see his eyes, Ranboo had looked into an ocean. Tommy's eyes were an extremely pretty blue color, well, his left was. His right was more of a grey color. You wouldn't know that unless you spent hours studying his eyes, and that's exactly what Ranboo and Tommy did. They spent hours on end just looking at each other's eyes, not saying anything, just studying each other. Overtime, Ranboo gained more confidence, but no matter how much confidence is gained the best part about Ranboo's day is just looking into Tommy's eyes.


All platonic you losers
Also, 6k reads?! Ya'll awesome
-Monday, 2:39 AM-

TommyInnit oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now