Headcannons pt.2

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More head cannons!

  -Tommy sleep talks, both worlds. In MC he sleep talks about Wilbur, keeping Shroud safe, kidnapping, Deo, and murder. In real life he talks about death, murder, Shroud, trees, and the color orange.

  -MC Tommy has raccoon ears in a chest somewhere and puts them on when using it/raccoon pronouns.

  -MC Tommy is gender fluid

  -RL Tommy is a Demi boy but uses he/him more

  -RL Tommy and RL Ranboo sleep talk to each other

  -MC enderwalk Ranboo feels the need to protect MC Tommy because MC Ranboo thinks Tommy's been through too much. Whether it be watching him sleep, build, or even taking care of Shroud, MC enderwalk Ranboo does it

  -Ranboo likes to climb trees. He learned during Tommy's exile and they made a tree house. They made it look abandoned so people wouldn't use it

  -Tubbo makes nukes and try's them while pretending the place the nuke hit is the prison. He's planing on visiting the prison to get the revive book than blow up the prison, he just hasn't figured out how to blow up obsidian yet

  -Wilbur has an obsession with anything he can make stay. He doesn't want anyone but Tommy and quackity. Though people say he manipulates them for something bad, but Wilbur manipulates them to stay. He doesn't care what they do, as long as they stay.

  -Wilbur will hurt anyone who try's to hurt Tommy or Quackity whether or not he know them

  -Shroud is an empath and went to Tommy because he could feel the sadness radiating off him.

  -Tommy is, actually, really good at science and could build a robot with an AI if he wanted to.

  -Tommy has made an AI with the full purpose of being a killing machine to kill anyone who hurts Shroud

  -Tommy made an AI and called it BitzelTimeSomething because they were the last names of his 'totally legal' gang/business.

  -Schlatt gave Tommy a revive book when he was drunk and Tommy was three. While being three, he knew it would be important so he put it in an ender chest

  -Tommy is the child of Lady Death and Herobrine. They weren't in love,but both wanted a child

   -376 words-
   -sixteen headcannons-

A/N + headcannons

I might not post as much, because of school. So I might just start posting every other week with two chapters in the week. Anyway, enjoy the headcannons.

-Charlie knows everything because he read the book of life, though his speech is slightly limited towards the person he is speaking to.

-Karl made friends with baby Tommy once when going back

-Tommy sometimes will sleep for three days because his mind is in the VøÎ&.

-Mexican Dreams mask looks like ^+^

-Female Dreams mask looks like • – •

-Tommy made a mask to be closer with Mexican Dream, it looks like > + <

-Tommy visits his mom every other week to regress, sometimes he goes whenever because he missed his mom

-Herobrine likes to mess with Dream and place a chest down and remove it before Dream can open it

-eight headcannons-

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