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Requested by @AGremlinChild

     This will have 2 parts where one is a crack part and the other is a serious one because I have no life at this point. No clue what I'm doing

          Tommy was a special prince that could make food from thin air.

Prison ark

     Tommy: hey Dream?

   Dream: what Child?

     Tommy: do you want *spawns cake* cake?

   Dream: sure...

     Tommy: *grins*

   Dream: *eats cake* *chokes* what kind of cake was that?! *starts choking again*

     Tommy: poison cake *smiles*


     Opening his eyes, Tommy thought he would wake up and see his gender fluid sibling laying next to him with dried up tear stains on their cheeks from a nightmare to find they are not in their underground castle they made together but in his dirt shack he made from an explosion on accident. Standing up, Tommy frowned. He really wanted to go home with his sibling, but his sibling be decided it was a great idea to pretend to be someone else and have Tommy figure out who they are. Of course Tommy knew who they were, found out the second day but decided to humor them. Now he regrets it.

     Walking outside, Tommy walking into the sun letting everyone see his vulnerable looking state. He was wearing a pale rainbow shirt with black overalls. He had six inch platform boots going up to his knees and a flower crown of the gender fluid flag on his head. Walking along the prime path, Tommy thinks about the trees and plants and animals and the ĘgG  and how they all deserved better. The trees he had to grow back with his hidden powers, the animals he had to heal, and the misunderstood ĘgG. The ĘgG just wanted a friend so Tommy decided to be that friend.

Walking, Tommy went to his sibling. Honestly, it was funny how Tommy's sibling still thought Tommy had no clue who they were but after five months of this going on Tommy was getting bored. "Hey Purpled, what's the pronouns today?"

Of course, Tommy didn't mean to say that in front of everyone, but he was getting really bored. "You figures it out?!" Purpled had responded in shock, they wanted it to go on at least a year. "Yes, I figured it out the second day. Now, pronouns?" Tommy explained briefly. "He they..."

"Come on now brother, time to go home."

Tommy spread his tree like wings and flew into the sky where their parents air and fire castle was afloat without waiting for Purpled to come with. "It's not fair..." purpled mumbled with a pout before spreading his water looking wings and taking off to follow his brother.


I have no clue what I did, and being on break makes me feel bad. also, would you be okay if i posted not done chapters?  like, and still update them when i have motivation to?

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