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I made a crack fic/short fic about Tommy and turtles a while ago, but someone asked for a real chapter so here I am 😁👍🏼

(But I changed the main plot)

Tommy has social anxiety. Something not many people would think he has, but, he does. It's the reason he loves nicknames. The only way he gives affection without feeling awkward is by giving people heartfelt nicknames.

   Sometimes, he doesn't even share the nickname because it makes him embarrassed, and no way was he going to tell them about it unless it just slipped out.

  With quarantine going on for so long, and barely any contact with anyone in the real world, the social anxiety got worse. With how bad it was, his parents got him a comfort animal. A turtle, and not one, but four. Tommy named them all with various reasoning.

   -Turtle #1,
^ - named Theseus
^ - biggest turtle
^ - nickname comes from Technoblade
^ - male turtle

     -Turtle #2
^ - named Turbo
^ - named is Turtle + Tubbo
^ - oldest but smallest Turtle
^ - genderless turtle (Tommy forgot)

       -Turtle #3
^ - name is RanTree
^ - is a darker green color
^ - same size as Turtle #4
^ - female turtle

      -Turtle #4
^ - name is RockBoo
^ - is a lighter green going grey color
^ - same size as Turtle #3
^ - female turtle


Tommy loved all his turtles equally and has a bag of food for each one. He also has a list of foods that the turtles liked more.

   Theseus liked celery and strawberry's more than other foods Tommy tried to feed him. Theseus also liked corn and beets.

    Turbo liked carrots, avocados, and earth worms. Tommy tried to feed them a small piece of strawberry and Turbo didn't really appreciate that.

     RanTree liked sweet potatoes, clean grass blades, and a flower called Geranium. The flower Geranium comes in different colors like purple, pink and red. RanTree likes the purple and red ones.

    RockBoo enjoys avocados, hard boiled eggs, and strawberries. RockBoo preferred all her food to be cut into small pieces and wouldn't eat it if it was in a big slice.

    Tommy set up multiple alarms for different reasons. One at six in the morning to wake up, one at six fifteen to text his parents (who works in the morning) that he's awake, one at six thirty for him to get up and brush his teeth and take a shower. Another at seven forty five when he estimated himself finishing up in the bathroom to make breakfast for himself as well as making his turtles food. Some morning food he made for his turtles was cut strawberries that look like a flower, some carrot sticks, avocado rainbows, and had boiled eggs cut in slices. Plus one at eight ten to feed his animals. When feeding his turtles Tommy usually eats with them. The third to last alarm he has is at nine A M for him to check his schedule and see if he has to stream. The last two alarms are at two thirty and eight forty five for the animals other meals.

       Today, Tommy was going to start stream at one twenty five and end near four o' five (1:25 & 4:05). He had a nice breakfast and even took his turtles out of their enclosure for some hugs and cuddles. Normally, he had at least one animal in his streaming room when he recorded. More times then often it was a dog or puppy, but sometimes he would have a cat in his room. If you couldn't tell, Tommy loved animals. He even had a ferret! He named the ferret Drundy. A mix of Draco and Fundy.

    Anyway, he normally had his streams after he fed his animals and ended them before he had to feed them. The day before, though it's not normal, Ranboo had asked if he wanted to stream a new Minecraft world with him for no particular reason. Tommy, aside from his loud and brash personality, was a sweetheart so he said yes. Not without him putting a 'Ranboob' in there as well.

   The stream was going well, they named the world 'Allium bois' referring to the flower Ranboo gave Tommy when they first met. They spawned in a flower biome and the whole chat plus Ranboo awwed at Tommy's adorable smile when picking the flowers for voids future house. After an hour and five minutes, an alarm went off. Tommy looked at the alarm and realized he didn't leave anything out so he could feed them if they needed to eat during a stream so in a panic he yelled out "MY TURTLES!!" and jumped out of his chair, getting his headphones off as well to run out of the room into his dubbed animal room.

    After he made a quick meal for all his animals, he quickly ran to their room, somehow not spilling or dropping anything. After placing everything down, and feeding the animals that needed to be fed, he left the room to heat up some milk for Henry, his baby deer also known as a fawn.

(870 words)

I gave him more animals because I couldn't think of him just having a turtle, I also wanted him to be a bee keeper but I'll save that for another day.

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