My Father

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Source - YouTube, Twitch

Main characters - Tommy, (M/N)

Warning - I'm getting famouser...that's not a word 😂

Picture -

(M/N) is Tommy's biological father

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(M/N) is Tommy's biological father. They were a special breed everyone thought was dead, the Elvens. Elvens were born fighters and could only die to old age. Of course they still have the 10 hearts, they just always respon after getting killed. Always. The elvens could also change heights from 20 feet to 10 inches. The elvens were known because of their photographic memory and their knowledge along with their pointy ears.

(M/N) was killed twice by Dream. Dream didn't know a lot about elvens, but knew he 'was the last one'. He wasn't. His son Tommy took after him 100 %. Too keep Tommy safe he left Tommy on the door step of Phil's house and told Tommy, "If they ask for your name, say Tomathy Innit, if they ask how old, say 4. Stay here. I will come later. Don't forget, you need to keep the fact you are an elven secret. I love you. Be right back,"

  (M/N) ran off to Dream. Dream has told (M/N) that they would have a fair fight, no weapons. (M/N) knew that it wouldn't be true, Dream would bring weapons and (M/N) knew that 100 %. (M/N) brought a small dagger he made. He did give one to Tommy. The dagger can change to a sword if given the need. It is stronger then an enchanted netherite sword. The dagger is netherite with obsidian and lava mixed into it. When (M/N) fought Dream, Dream expected (M/N) to kill him immediately or vise versa, he wasn't expecting to have (M/N) to go easy on Dream so they both die. Dream didn't expect that, so when he came back he definitely was happy that he had 3 lives to start and that he killed (M/N) 2 times before.

When (M/N) responed he immediately shrunk and ran to where he left Tommy. He wanted the person whom owned the house he left Tommy on to help raise Tommy. What he didn't expect was the person to be Phil. His old friend. Phil had wings, that (M/N) knew. Phil has two sons, Technoblade and Wilbur, (M/N) knew that. Phil took in Tommy and treated him as if his own for 1 year till he started neglecting him, that (M/N) didn't know. (M/N) raised Tommy and told him to act. So no one should connect any dots that Tommy is an elven. Elvens were born leaders and knew how to handle any situation. (M/N) taught Tommy everything he needed to know to live as an Elven and the changes he would be going through. Like the pointy ears forming, or the wings coming in, maybe even time in his growth where he can't control how tall or small he gets.

:/skip 12 years, Tommy's 17\:

"Come here Tommy, to your one and only friend.." -Dream

"Don't Tommy!! He's no good for you! He's not your friend! We are!!" -Tubbo

Tommy slowly closed his eyes and opened them. He had to make a choice. He looked between them both. He took 5 steps back, placed a bed, reset his spawn, and said, "Sayonara.." than fell backwards. He was on his third life. Everyone thought he was gone forever, till a white glow tinted purple shone. (M/N) appeared at the height of 6'9 and grew to 15 feet tall and said, "Dream.."

"(M/N)..Your supposed to be dead!!" -Dream

"That I am.. but what you didn't know about Elvens, will indeed kill you. Son, show yourself please," -(M/N)

As he said 'please' another white glow appeared, however it had more of a reddish tint to it. Tommy respawned and grew 10 feet tall.

"Hello Dream, I hear you tried to kill my father for good?" -Tommy

"H- huh?" -Dream

"My father. (M/N) Hearts Innit. The strongest person in this server, and one of the only Elvens left. Honestly, when you thought you killed the 'last' Elven, it's like you forgot that there are other servers that are full of Elvens. Where do you think father came from?" -Tommy

I don't remember where I was going with this nor do I know how to end this.

      -May 24, 2021-

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