Anarchy has different meanings to different people...

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Anarchy, the state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority.

Anarchy, the word used (abused) by Technoblade to justify his actions and not admitting nor thinking any of his past actions were wrong.

Anarchy, a word used by Philza because he refused to take blame and pinning it on government though it has nothing to do with Philza's son.

Anarchy, something Tubbo_ Ex-Beloved associates with Technoblade, Someone who is the cause of his nightmares and fears.

Anarchy, something Quackity is somewhat afraid of because he associates it with Technoblade and Technoblade is the cause for his biggest scar on his face.

Anarchy, something Dream associates with a deal because he still holds the deal between him and Technoblade because he is still in the prison.

Anarchy, something Wilbur would associate with his 𝓯𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮 brother Technoblade as they both were a stickler for their own morals, yet both were somehow the biggest hypocrites their youngest brother ever saw.

To Tommy, anarchy was a dream. A place where there were no rulers, no rules other than to stay safe, and have fun. Anarchy was a village called Allium where every month there was a council meeting where everyone above the age of ten were aloud to come and discuss what others wanted, and make trades and promises of friendship to one another. To Tommy, anarchy was something bad and something good, something bad to keep the good.

But where there is bad to keep good, there is good to keep bad. Such as Technoblade. He thinks he is going the blood gods work, spilling barely tainted blood without remorse. But the blood god doesn't enjoy that. Like how the goddess of death does not enjoy, and refuses to accept, her ex husbands offerings as another proposal, not believing that the man has changed because he was to far gone to change. To far that the only kid who spent time with him was the one who was also making the gods upset. Even the god of chaos didn't like how much trouble the so called anarchists caused and brought because it was chaos not meant to be there.

However, due to anarchy, Tommy is free. And he is so incredibly happy, because not only is he free, but he has a family now.

He has two platonic husbands who he married for tax benefits, he has three kids, a pet moth, and his brothers.

His husbands Purpled Bedwars Beloved Innit and Ranboo Beloved Innit Bedwars loved him, Tommy Innit Bedwars Beloved, so very much in a way only the best of friends can. He also has his son Shroud, his child Micheal, and his daughter Friend who were spider, zombie pigman, and blue sheep hybrids respectively. He had his favorite immortal orange moth Clementine. Finally, he had his siblings. He had his oldest sibling named Kit but also liked Wisp who was 22. He had the second oldest, named TimeDeo but preferred just Deo who was 20. Than there was Joshua, also known as Bitzel, who turned 18 on January 21. Then there was Tommy who is still seventeen but born before the youngest, Luke, who was born in December on the 25.

534 words my darlings. Also, this is just a filler for the days I won't be posting, Love you all!

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