Why is the ocean talking to me?

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'The ocean, it calls me. Why? Why does the ocean call me? Why am I the only one that hears it? Am I crazy? Why is the ocean telling me to come towards it? How do I tell the ocean to stop, I don't want to die! What does the ocean mean, 'you won't die'? If I go into the ocean I will surly drown, won't I? I, won't...? How, how would I not drown? Why am I listening to the ocean, why is it still calling me? Why can't I hear Tubbo, he's saying something, so is Dream, what are they saying? Why did Tubbo give Dream the disk, not now ocean! Tubbo just gave away my disk! What do you mean? If I follow you I won't get my disks back, I'll die!! ...Do you promise...if I follow, do you promise I will get my disks back...? Alright..I will follow.'

Those were the last thoughts Tommy had before he walked towards the ocean, as if he didn't hear Tubbo say that he was exiled and that the only way to get freedom was to give Dream the disks. Everyone was surprised, they thought Tommy would lash out. They obviously didn't notice the dazed state Tommy had entered at the beginning of the conversation. Everyone kept yelling at him to get back, but he didn't listen. He couldn't. He was promised the disks back, and he wasn't about to lose the only thing Alivebur gave him. He continued to the ocean, Tubbo tried to grab Tommy's wrist and stop him when he was ankle high in water, the water left a path and moved for Tommy. However, the water made sure that if anyone were to try and stop him, they would get hurt. Tommy walked farther into the water, where it was double his height. The water suddenly fell onto him. No one thought he would make it out, until the water started flowing faster, and shone brighter then ever, and a figure grew out of no where. Said figure had shining blond hair, that shone brighter than the sun! A dark blue sash laying across his left shoulder that shines in the best way possible. He was wearing jean shorts with a black belt. The belt has sapphires and opal jewels embroidered into it, with small beads also embroidered into it. His hair was lose and laied against his mid back. He had bangs that faded into a light blue color. He had a navy blue crown thing. It layer across his head like a flower crown, but it held no flowers and was a crown that every god got when they came of age, or their special item was taken and they needed it back but they were underage. In this case, Tommy needed his disks back and was underaged. He didn't just want them, he needed them back.

Techno was not surprised when Tommy turned out to be the ocean god, he always loved staying in water. Tommy was always able to stay underwater for as long as he wanted without drowning, or losing breath, and Tommy found it odd when people would swim then go above the water and gasp like a dying fish.


This was more or less an idea, but I loved it none the less.


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