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It was another day for Tommy.

   -Wake up
   -Make breakfast
   -Make a sandwichfor lunch
   -Work on his personal Minecraft World
   -Buy more drinks just in case
   -work on SMP for next lore stream
   -note down next 2 or 3 lore streams
   -make dinner
   -do homework
   -edit for 30 minutes
   -read for 15 minutes

You might be wondering, 'Where are his parents to make food, and go shopping?' Simple, they left. Just, got up and left. They didn't want a son that had a disorder. Overtime, Tommy learned that finding a job while being bipolar was hard and when he found a job it wasn't paying enough. Tommy also learned that the government didn't have the best relationship with people that have disorders. That's why he hates the government. He often goes on his Alt to rant about how shitty the government is. His alt is popular and gets the attention of people with his rants of how bad the government is, and his responses to comments or reply tweets saying otherwise.

Apparently i can't get a job with a normal pay because I'm bipolar... Mr/Ms/Mx. Government, i kinda need a job to live. Can you like, not hate on people with disorders?? I mean, my parents left when they found out i was bipolar. I have online friends i meet up with and how the fuCk do i explain my parents not being home? All i can do i make shitty excuses. I'm not impressed...ʕ•-•ʔ (ಠ_ಠ)╭∩╮

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Walking down the stairs again, Tommy finally made it to the kitchen...

(and this is it bc my brain is about to explode in dysphoria)

anyway, gonna take a break from updating this for a while to up thy grades and stuff because i need all A's to get a haircut. gonna go rot now, bye!

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