𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟣: 𝖽𝖾𝖼𝖾𝗇𝗍

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*September 1997*

It was the first day of a new year at Hogwarts. Reyna Riddle and her best friend, Theodore Nott always met up at her house. Theo would come to her house just before they were supposed to leave for the station, the same time every year.

"Reyna, my dear, wake up," Aurora, her mum, softly called to her.

Reyna's eyes fluttered open at the sight of her beautiful mum. "Morning, mum," she smiled as she sat up, stretching.

"Morning, dear. Theo's going to be here in half an hour, better get up," Aurora smiled, tucking a lock of hair behind her daughter's ear.

"Mhm," Reyna nodded and her mum left.

Reyna got up and got dressed in her school uniform. It was her seventh year, her last year, and she was ready to graduate.

She brushed her teeth and did her hair. She wasn't one to wear much makeup, so she put on mascaras, and vanilla chapstick.

She packed her trunk and brought it with her downstairs. She put her trunk at the door and walked to the kitchen to accompany her mum for breakfast.

"Tea, dear?" Aurora asked as she got up to get a mug.

"Sure," Reyna nodded as she took a seat.

It was only her and her mum. They were extremely close and would do anything for each other, they were all each other had. Reyna's father, Tom Riddle, also known as Voldemort, was presumed dead.

The last time she saw her father was when she was a baby. She remembers him very vaguely, just clips, and snip-its of when he was around, which wasn't for very long. Reyna knows what everyone knows, her father was an evil wizard, a powerful one at that.

Voldemort loved Aurora, he loved her so much. However, he didn't love her as much as he loved power. Her father was well aware of Reyna when she was in the womb, she was told her father loved her just as much as he loved her mum.

Of course, it came from her mum, so she didn't really believe it. Aurora agrees that Reyna was more like her father, but she picked up on more of her mum's traits after spending sixteen years with just the two of them in their unnecessarily large Manor.

Their Manor was in the middle of a forest, it was old, vintage-looking and they loved it. As Reyna and her mum were drinking tea and talking, there was a knock on the door.

"That's Theo. Dear, get the door," Aurora said, sipping her tea.

Reyna nodded and walked to the door. She opened it and there stood her best friend since first year.

"Hi, sweetheart," Theo smiled, pulling her in for an embrace.

"Hi, Theo," she chuckled as she pulled him into the house and closed the door.

They both walked to the kitchen back to Aurora. "Hey, mummy," Theo smiled charmingly at her.

"Hi, dear," Aurora smiled back.

"You two better get going, you don't want to be late," She added, standing from the chair. They walked to the foyer and said their goodbyes.

"Bye, mum," Reyna kissed her cheek before hugging her tightly.

"Bye, dear," Aurora hugged her.

"I'll write to you," Reyna said, grabbing her trunk. "Here, I've got it," Theo insisted, grabbing her trunk from her.

"Take care of yourself, mum," she said with a soft expression.

"Will do, dear. Take care of yourself as well. Theo, make sure she doesn't do anything barbaric," Aurora joked with a soft chuckle.

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