𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟣𝟧: 𝖽𝗋𝖾𝗌𝗌

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About a week later, it was the weekend. Reyna and Draco have been acting normal, like the argument never happened because since they argue a lot anyway, it was normal for the both of them.

It was easier for her to match his energy of cruelty rather than keep quiet, choking down the fact she felt something for him.

Reyna still hadn't picked out a dress for the Christmas dance. She and Theo were supposed to go to a Muggle mall to go dress shopping. She woke up and got ready. She brushed her teeth and washed her face.

She slipped on something that would be easy to take on and off when she would try dresses on. She slipped on a plaid skirt with a cream coloured knitted sweater that complimented the skirt's colour-way perfectly. She slipped on knee-high socks and black camdale boots. She did her hair before putting on some vanilla chapstick.

She walked to Theo's dorm, knocking on his door. "Hi, sweetheart," he greeted, letting her in. "Your outfit is cute," he kissed her head.

"Thank you," she smiled as she sat in the arm chair, on leg over the other. Draco was walking out of the bathroom and Blaise was still asleep.

Her eyes met with Draco's, he eyed her from head to toe before walking to his dresser. Theo was getting ready. "Where are you both going?" Draco asked, slipping a shirt on.

"Some Muggle mall," Theo answered as he slipped jeans and a sweatshirt on.

"Alright, let's go," Theo said, buckling his belt before slipping his shoes on.

"See you later," Reyna said before she and Theo left the dorm.

They walked out of the school and apparated to the Muggle mall. "Alright, you lead the way," Theo said and she grinned.

She dragged him all around the mall, from dress store to dress store. They got to one store and she tried on a few dresses as he sat on a chair, waiting for her in front of the dressing rooms.

"What about this one?" she walked out of the dressing room in a burgundy dress. It was slightly poofy in the skirt area, the top was a fitted fit with spaghetti straps, and a v-cut.

"Turn around," Theo eyed her, his elbows resting lazily on his knees as he scanned every inch of her. She did a three-sixty spin as she waited for his answer.

"It's nice, but I want to see that dark blue one," he cocked his head to the side.

"I don't even like that one, I don't know why you want me to try it," she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Just try it," he commanded.

"Fine," she walked back in the dressing room.

She slipped on the dress Theo insisted she tried on. "It's ugly," she walked out in a dark blue dress with glitter on the top part, the skirt was a mesh material on the outside layer, and it was off the shoulder.

"It's not ugly, but I don't like it," he scrunched his nose disapprovingly.

After a few more dresses, she found nothing. They walked to a few more dress stores and she still found nothing. "I'm thirsty. Take a seat here and I'll get us a drink," Theo said, leaving her at a bench on the side. She waited patiently for him to come back.

After a little while, she stood up, getting anxious because Theo was still gone.

"Hey, beautiful," a voice said. She turned around to be facing a Muggle boy that looked a year or two older than her.

"Hi," she greeted, slightly uncomfortable as she saw him eyeing her up and down. He smirked as he bit his lip.

"Do you want to maybe grab a cup of coffee and get to know each other a little more?" he asked, his eyes locked on her legs.

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