𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟫: 𝗐𝖺𝗅𝗍𝗓

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It was the day of the ball, the day she had to witness the boy she loves dance with another girl.

To be completely honest, she wasn't in the mood to even waltz at the stupid spring ball, but she already signed up her name with Theo for the waltzing.

She just laid in her bed, staring at the ceiling.

She got no sleep, she was just unable to fall asleep.

She kept replaying her and Draco's last conversation in her head, more like an argument.

She already had her gown for the ball, her mum sent it along with white formal gloves long enough to cover her mark. She glanced at the clock to see it was almost noon.

She'd been laying in bed for literally the whole morning, not even getting up to go to the bathroom. The ball was starting at five o'clock sharp, so she had plenty of time to get ready.

It was almost one in the afternoon when she finally got up from bed and went to the bathroom. Just as she was finishing up in the bathroom, there was a knock on her door.

She looked down at herself and realized she still had no pants on, but she still went ahead and opened the door anyway.

It was her best friend.

"Hi, sweetheart," he greeted, walking in her room, closing the door.

He had a small bowl of fruit in his hands with a fork and a bottle of water.

"Hi," she greeted back.

"Did you just wake up now?" he questioned confusedly as he examined her to see she was still in pajamas and had a bedhead.

"No, I've been up all night- just never got out of bed," she shrugged, crawling back into her bed, pulling the blankets over herself as she leaned on the headboard, sitting.

"Oh- well, here," he handed her the fruit and water.

She grabbed them both, placing the bottle of water on her nightstand and the fruit bowl on her lap as she slowly began to eat it.

"When I saw Draco go to bed without you last night- I figured you two were arguing," he stated, crawling on the other side of the bed to sit, leaning on the headboard. "He didn't sleep either, just thought you should know," he mentioned.

"Oh," she blinked, plopping a grape in her mouth. "Thanks for the fruit," she nudged him with her leg.

"Anytime," he smiled. "What happened between you guys this time?" he questioned, fiddling with his rings.

"I didn't tell him about the Pansy situation until last night and I just got angry," she shrugged.

"I mean, I knew about it and I didn't tell him because I wanted to see if he was going to tell me himself, but he never did. Then, we just argued or more so he begged for me to open the door, so he could explain himself because I locked him out," she huffed, eating her fruit sadly.

"There's something you're not telling me- keep talking," he insisted.

"He told me he loves me," she said quietly.

"Ah- now, we're getting somewhere," he nodded.

"I-I didn't say it back, I just froze," she sighed.

"Well, do you love him?" he questioned.

"Of course I do- I love him so much," she nodded.

"But I always thought it'd be me saying it first and not the other way around- it caught me off guard," she put the bowl of fruit on her nightstand before grabbing the bottle of water.

not so one night stand; d.mWhere stories live. Discover now