𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝟤𝟧: 𝗍𝖺𝗌𝗄

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After a little bit, Draco had gone back to his own dorm to do other work whilst Reyna was helping McGonagall with something.

"Thank you, Miss Riddle, for the help," McGonagall smiled.

"You're welcome, Professor," Reyna smiled and waved before she left her classroom.

She walked to Draco's dorm to see if he was done with his homework. She let herself in to see he was sitting at the desk, focusing on his work.

She smiled softly to herself, adoring how attractive he looks when he's focused.

"Hi, darling," he greeted, keeping his eyes glued to his work.

"Hi," she replied, walking towards him.

He clocked his head at her to press a kiss on her lips before turning back to his work. She walked to his bed to take a seat while she waited for him to finish.

She saw two letters on his bed.

One was in a dark green envelope with a black heart wax stamp in the middle.

She picked up the letter and turned it over to see it's from Pansy.

She picked up the other one that was in a pink envelope with a gold wax stamp in the middle.

She turned it over to see it's from Romilda.

"Draco, love," she called to him, her brows furrowed at the two letters in her hands.

"Mhm?" he hummed, still scribbling on his parchment.

"Why are Pansy and Romilda writing to you?" she questioned, walking up to him with the letters in her hand. She dropped the letters on the desk, turned over, so he could see the names.

"I don't know, but they don't fucking stop- it's annoying. Open them, see what they say," he huffed, keeping his eyes on his work.

She opened the one from Pansy and read it before reading the one from Romilda. Both letters were just talking about how they despise Reyna for being with Draco. She ripped the letters up and just banished them before sitting on his bed, waiting for him to finish.

She laid there, fiddling with her rings as she waited. None of them said a word to each other whilst he was doing his homework. She couldn't help, but feel her presence was annoying him. She got up to leave, so she could come back when he was done.

"Wait," he called to her quickly, rushing to block her from the door.

"Don't leave," he said quickly.

"You're doing your homework, just focus on that- I'll come back later," she chuckled.

"No- stay," he picked her up, her legs wrapped around his waist.

He sat back in the chair and he put her on his lap, her legs were over his as one of her arms were around his neck. One of his arms was around her, rubbing her side as the other was writing with his quill.

She leaned on his shoulder, her fingers running through his hair as he continued with his homework. She sat there with him whilst he did his work, whispering sweet nothings into his ear as she planted ardent kisses on his neck and cheek.

"Are you done yet?" she sighed impatiently.

"Almost," he replied, flipping the page in his book.

"Why didn't you just do your work with me in the library?" she asked confusedly, staring at his hand.

She felt herself grow aroused staring at his hands as it moved, writing on the parchment with his quill. His ring covered fingers.

"Because I like watching you do your work. It makes me feel peaceful," he said, his eyes locked on his parchment as he placed a kiss on her cheek.

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