𝗍𝗂𝗅𝗅 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍 𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾

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*September 2009*

Theo's POV

It's been over ten years since the battle of Hogwarts.

Over ten years since I lost two of my best friends.

Not a lot of people died. Although, I know Reyna would be upset with herself to hear that some people did end up dying because of the war.

As much as I hated the fact that Draco did the reckless move of taking the hex with Reyna, I see it as a not so bad thing anymore.

They were meant for each other and I kind of look at it now as they have each other.

Reyna's not alone because she has Draco with her.

And Draco wouldn't have been sulking alone if he didn't do that reckless move.

Merlin knows Draco wouldn't have been able to live without Reyna.

It's so bloody obvious that they mean the world to each other.

She made him feel things he'd never felt before.

He loved her too much, just as she loved him and I know for a fact he wouldn't have been able to live without her.

They have each other to talk to, to comfort, to have in each other's company.

The school was fixed, brand spanking new.

Voldemort's gone, so there's that too. Not much happened with the other Death Eaters, life just went on.

Draco and Reyna's funeral was on the same day. Aurora and I planned it together, both of them.

They were buried next to each other.

A lot of people attended their funeral, including the Golden Trio, Dumbledore's Army, the Order, all of the Professors that survived, the Malfoy's, and some of the other people who fought in the war.

Most people brought flowers to place on their graves. I brought a back of vanilla chapstick for Reyna along with a few roses bunched up.

I was the one who had to break the news to Aurora when Reyna sacrificed herself.

She was destroyed.

It hurt her more than anyone could imagine.

Reyna was her baby.

Her everything.

I couldn't possibly imagine how hard it hit her.

In fact, Aurora hasn't touched Reyna's room. She kept it as Reyna left it because it's how she would've wanted things.

It sort of helps Aurora with her coping, like Reyna is still there with her and she is.

In our hearts.

I stayed in their Manor to comfort Aurora for a little while, Blaise as well. Reyna's death hurt me too.

I cried for a long time.


Her death broke me.

It's like a piece of my heart is missing.

On top of that, Draco's death also impacted all of us.

Narcissa especially.

Lucius, surprisingly, was upset about his son's death as well.

As much as it pissed me off when I heard everyone talking shit on my best friend when she fucking saved them, I dealt with it. Seeing them attend the funeral, seeing them look down on their graves made my fucking blood boil.

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